School in Japan is different than school in Canada. That’s a given. Why wouldn’t it be? There has to be some differences. There is in everything. Especially school. For starters, high school in Japan is grades 10, 11 and 12. I’d still be in middle school if I lived in Japan. They also wear uniforms. Most schools, at least. In Canada, only private schools have uniforms. I’d know, I’VE BEEN TO ONE. In Japan, the students are in charge of cleaning up after school. The more I think about it, the scarier the thought of it is. These are just SOME of the differences.
I feel like kids should have a little more responsibility in schools here. Cleaning up their classroom at the end of the day, at the very least. Some people our age are pretty irresponsible, so I think this could help fix that a little bit.
I suck at rock paper scissors. I’m GARBAGE at rock paper scissors. Every time I win a singular game of rock paper scissors it is pure luck, I swear. If I got any leftovers in school, I’d have some sort of blessing or something, I don’t even know.