Meal Planning Assignment

Anita Soltani


The problem is that this family of 4 can’t find a schedule to cook and eat food together. They want it to be as fair as possible and have a variety of food. I think the plan my group came up with well distributes the work and leaves time for other things. They also got a variety of food to eat throughout the week.


This is a table of the basic plan for the week. We decided to take screen shots off of Word.


Monday: Parent A makes tacos. They will start at 5:00, finish at 5:15. Parent A will make the full recipe (4 servings). Parent B gets home at 5:30 so they can all eat together at that time before Parent B goes to fitness class.

Tuesday: Parent A makes the white rice in the morning. they will start at 8:00, finish at 9:00. They will get to work by 9:30. Teen 1 will make the glazed salmon in the afternoon. they will start at 5:30, finish at 5:50. Then they will re-heat the rice from 5:50-6:00. They will both make full recipe (3 cups of rice) and (4 servings of salmon). They will each have a 3/4 cup of rice. Dinner will be at 6:00 when Parent A gets home.

Wednesday: Teen 1 and Teen 2 cook lasagna. They will start at 4:00, finish at 5:20. Dinner will be at 5:30 when Parent B gets home. Teen 1 can help teen 2 use the oven. The Teens will a 30 minute break after school. They will make half the recipe (6 servings). The tTeens take the extra two servings to school the next day. 

Thursday: Parent B makes vegetable pad Thai. They will start at 5:30, finish at 6:05. Dinner will be ready when everyone is home. They will cook the full recipe (6 servings). The Teens take the extra two servings to school the next day. 

Friday: Teen 2 and Parent A cook Swedish meatballs (own recipe). Teen 2 starts cooking at 4:15. They will do up to step 2 before parent A gets home. They can do step 3-5 with the help of parent A because it requires the stove. Dinner will be done by 4:45. They can eat at 5:30 when parent B gets home. They will make the full recipe (4 large meatballs each).

Swedish Meatballs in a frying pan with a metal spoon.



The recipes and photos for Monday-Thursday:

The recipe and photo for Friday:

“The Best Swedish Meatballs.” 

Collaboration Reflection:

We shared all the documents we were using on Word. That way we could all see the updated document and work on it at the same time on our own devices. We used Microsoft teams, Microsoft word, and the MyCentennial EduBlog. We knew how to use Teams and Word since they are common tools we use a lot at school. The EduBlog is fairly new and we struggled a bit on deciding how to display our chart for the the plan of the week. We each worked on planning out different days and later we split up the work on finding a recipe, putting the chart together, and fixing things to make the plan more efficient and fair. I helped put all the information on the chart and from there everyone edited it however they liked. I also worked on planning out how to distribute the cooking evenly amongst the family that week.


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