Core Competency Goals

I plan to show I am actively listening ~

Although I may think I’m listening to the teacher or speaker I tend to notice my body is not. I’m going to work on my body language to show I am giving my full attention. I will put my phone away so I won’t get distracted and sit so I’m completely facing the speaker. I hope I can achieve this goal and turn it into a habit that I don’t have to think about.

I need to give myself more time to study ~

I am not very personally responsible when it comes to time after school. I like to leave homework, assignments, and studying last minute. This has caused me a lot of difficulties in the past. So if I can try to give myself more time to do school work rather then going on my phone I know that’ll benefit me a lot.

I will improve my focus during tests ~

I never do bad on tests but that’s only because I double check. When I finish a test I always go through it again. If I don’t I’ll probably get multiple questions wrong for silly mistakes. It bugs me that I even make these mistakes because they’re so small they shouldn’t happen in the first place. Maybe it’s because I’m nervous and lose my attention to detail. I really think if I put more time into each question to make sure everything is right I will see improvements when I go back to double check.


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