Ma famille

A Page from “Ma famille” French Project

For my final project in French I chose to make a book describing all my family members. The photo above is just one of the pages. I used my creative thinking skills to come up with sentences to write about each person. I also had to use creative thinking to think of ways to decorate it. I think I have improved a lot this semester. I can write full sentences on my own now. I can also carry a basic conversation and have learned lots of new grammar points. I also enjoy listening to French music. One artist I like is Indila. I think this project has really reflected all the hard work work I’ve done in French this semester.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


This is a photo of the Rube Goldberg Machine that Nikta, Natalya, and I created.

Collaborating is something my group did a lot. The goal of our machine was to break the fortune cookie. We had some troubles trying to figure out how to do that. Because of our problem we had to collaborate very much and it thought me some new things. We FaceTimed each other to try to experiment at home as to how we would build it at school. I definitely learned the importance of collaborating and communication in general. When any of us had ideas we would build off of it and create an even better idea all together. I think the success of our project really showed that. I think
I would still like to continue in being more patient with my group. I have always had trouble trying to understand other perspectives but doing collaborative things like this has really helped me improve on myself. Overall I am very proud of what we accomplished with each others help and collaboration.


This is a clip of us experimenting of FaceTime
This is a clip of our machine in action

Capitol Mutation Collaborative Project

My Project

Public Speaking

I have learned a lot about public speaking this semester. Being a good speaker means having lots of eye contact with the audience, speaking loud and confidently, having a nice pace when speaking, and having the speech memorized or prepared. From what I have learned a good speech has a thoughtful hook at the beginning that keeps the audience interested, all the information is in an order that makes sense, and the topic is something the audience can relate to or be interested in. A good audience member listens actively to the speaker by making eye contact and facing them. They also don’t go on their phones or get distracted by other things. They clap at the end of the speech if appropriate and don’t talk during it.

Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include noticing who has strengths in what areas. When we were splitting up the work I knew Nikta has better drawing skills than me so she drew the Skeleon but I coloured it and we divided everything else up by who had more strengths in that area.. I show that I value feedback from others in my group by asking them to read what I wrote and change anything that they think would sound better. I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see us working quickly and our group members talking about how proud they are of all the work being done. When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I get to know them better and ask them what part of the project they would want to work on. One goal I have for myself is working on being a better public speaker. I noticed I need to work more on eye contact and slowing down when speaking. I will achieve my goal by getting over my nerves of speaking publicly which would help me focus more on eye contact and pacing.

Hunger Games Persuasion Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

We created an ad for a personalized wig company. We want people in the capitol to see our advertisement and start buying our monthly boxes. We mainly used ethical appeal because we put a quote from Effie Trinket in our ad. since Effie is known in the capitol if people see Effie liked the product more people will want to buy it. We used bandwagon technique when saying “Become a real Wiggy” which makes people want to become a “wiggy” even though they don’t really know what that means. Eye Appeal because of all the colours and fonts we used. Also card stacking because we used percent’s to talk about all the good improvements making it look like the new and improved version of pur product. Ethical Appeal was our main strategy but we also used bandwagon, eye appeal, and card stacking as other techniques. The capitol will hopefully be interested in wanting to buy our personalized wigs.

Core Competency Reflection

I seek, develop and weigh options as demonstrated by choosing what strategy we used the most. We had a hard time deciding what strategy we used the most so I had to use critical thinking and developed this skill by having to see which option is the best. We ended up going with ethical appeal. If the group is not productive, we can put our phones away in order to get things moving in the right direction. Because I noticed we got distracted a couple times so I realized we had to remove the the distractions which helped us start working again. I notice when people feel left out I ask them if there is any work they want to do to make sure they feel included. I do this to hopefully make people feel like they contributed their ideas and hard work into the project. An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when we were making the ad itself. I noticed we bounced off of each others ideas a lot to make better ones.