English 9 Final Reflection

My Artifact

Hunger Games Mutation Project

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate: While doing this assignment we had to present our project to the class. This made me work on my speaking skills. When we had to draw a photo of our mutated animal I used my representation skills to show what we imagined. We also made a PowerPoint to explain our idea in more depth. This helped me grow a lot in those areas.

Core Competencies Reflection

Creative Thinking: I definitely grew during this project because I had to use creative thinking a lot. To come up with new ideas of mixed animals with pros and cons helped me improve my creative thinking. I am very proud of this project because it really shows our creativity and design.

Capitol Mutation Collaborative Project

My Project

Public Speaking

I have learned a lot about public speaking this semester. Being a good speaker means having lots of eye contact with the audience, speaking loud and confidently, having a nice pace when speaking, and having the speech memorized or prepared. From what I have learned a good speech has a thoughtful hook at the beginning that keeps the audience interested, all the information is in an order that makes sense, and the topic is something the audience can relate to or be interested in. A good audience member listens actively to the speaker by making eye contact and facing them. They also don’t go on their phones or get distracted by other things. They clap at the end of the speech if appropriate and don’t talk during it.

Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include noticing who has strengths in what areas. When we were splitting up the work I knew Nikta has better drawing skills than me so she drew the Skeleon but I coloured it and we divided everything else up by who had more strengths in that area.. I show that I value feedback from others in my group by asking them to read what I wrote and change anything that they think would sound better. I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see us working quickly and our group members talking about how proud they are of all the work being done. When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I get to know them better and ask them what part of the project they would want to work on. One goal I have for myself is working on being a better public speaker. I noticed I need to work more on eye contact and slowing down when speaking. I will achieve my goal by getting over my nerves of speaking publicly which would help me focus more on eye contact and pacing.