AP Biology

Critical Thinking

AP Biology Inquiry Project

For our final project in AP Biology, we had to design our own lab. My partner and I did our experiment on the rate of CO2 production by yeast. We had to use critical thinking when developing our procedure, materials list, and data tables. We also had to research about yeast and different types of flour for our hypothesis and conclusion. When researching, we were able to identify important information that was helpful compared to information that served no purpose in our experiment. The picture above demonstarted the method that we used to measure the volume of CO2 produced which also showed my improvement in crticial thinking because we had to brainstorm and decide on the most effecient and accurate way of measuring the CO2. If I had not used my thinking skills this lab design project would not have been as succesful as it was. Overall, I am very proud of this project and I believe it shows my critical thinking skills very well.

A & P 12

Cell Membrane Lab

This is the dialysis tube containing starch, 24 hours after IKI and water has diffused through the membrane and into the tube.


I worked with others to achieve our goal. My lab partner and I had to help each other to tie the ends of the tubes. We needed to collaborate and make sure we got the correct amount of starch in the tube. We also worked together to ensure there were no air bubbles and tied it differently a couple times to get it as close as possible. I made sure we were clear on the common purpose of the lab by talking through everything, and explaining anything that wasn’t understood. For example we were a little confused about when to add in the IKI but after talking it out and asking questions we understood what to do.

Critical Thinking

I analyzed evidence to make judgements. After 24 hours of diffusion the starch in the dialysis tube turned very blue. I used this evidence to make a judgement that the IKI entered into the tube and changed the colour of the starch. Further evidence is that the water in the beaker was no longer yellow meaning the IKI must have diffused somewhere else. Also, I remained open-minded as I explored different options because I had no idea if my hypothesis would be supported or not. But I was able to make a judgement after the lab that supported my hypothesis.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical Thinking

Button Classification Assignment

At the beginning of the year my Life Science 11 class did this activity to practice classifying with buttons. I worked with my partner Alethea, together we had to sort the buttons into different species and give them scientific names. We had to use critical thinking because we needed an understanding what to eliminate and what goes together, like a puzzle. I definitely improved in noticing smaller details to make my decisions and this improved my overall critical thinking skills. Alethea and I had many different ideas so I was able to realize that different people have different ways of sorting things when it comes to priority. Overall this assignment really turned on my critical thinking for the rest of the year and helped me understand what taxonomists do in their job.

English 9 Final Reflection

My Artifact

Hunger Games Mutation Project

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Create and Communicate: While doing this assignment we had to present our project to the class. This made me work on my speaking skills. When we had to draw a photo of our mutated animal I used my representation skills to show what we imagined. We also made a PowerPoint to explain our idea in more depth. This helped me grow a lot in those areas.

Core Competencies Reflection

Creative Thinking: I definitely grew during this project because I had to use creative thinking a lot. To come up with new ideas of mixed animals with pros and cons helped me improve my creative thinking. I am very proud of this project because it really shows our creativity and design.