Math Menu Assignment

Annaliesa Coupe

Equation 1:

Solution: x = -4

(A, C, D, F, G)

Equation 2:

Solution: no solution. (extraneous root: x = 4)

(B, E, H)

Note: screenshots of equations are provided as formatting did not compute with Edublog.

Reflection Questions

1: “Which constraints did you choose to complete first, and why? What strategies did you use to tackle the more difficult tasks on the menu?”

I chose “A: The equation has a radical expression on each side” to solve first because it was one of the most limiting, as well as “G: The solution is negative” because that is a significant determining factor of my answer. I started out by putting a radical on each side of my equation and went from there. When I factored in a couple of the easier constraints, I went back to solve it and tweaked a few things to ensure that my result was negative. A strategy I used for the more difficult tasks on the math menu was choosing them first in order to get them out of the way. By doing this, the easier prompts just fell into place with the limits of the harder ones. Another strategy I found effective was practicing trial and error; checking everything at least twice to make sure my equations fit the limits.

2: “Were there any constraints you struggled to pair together? How did you approach a problem that you initially found confusing or difficult?”

Constraints “H: The equation has no solution” and “B: The radicand contains a binomial” were not necessarily difficult to put together, but were challenging to incorporate in general. “H” was hard because I didn’t know how to structure an equation with an extraneous root as the solution. To work past this, I referenced my Pre-Calc workbook where I remembered having an answer that did not have an adequate solution. Taking inspiration from how the equation was written helped me make my own equation with no solution. “B” was initially tricky to include since having a binomial in one of my radicands didn’t fit with how I’d incorporated the “G” and “H” constraints, both of which determined my answers. To work around this, I went back to the technical definition of a binomial, which is that it is two terms separated by a + or – symbol. So, 4x + 0 is a binomial, even though it is equivalent to 4x, which is a monomial. This allowed for me to satisfy all restraints put on my equation, and also worked with my “H” constraint.

3: “Can you describe a moment when you had an “aha” moment while working on a task?”

When I was working on equation 1, trying to satisfy the “G: The solution is negative” limit, I kept finding that my solution was positive. This is because every time I put a negative symbol outside of a radicand, it kept canceling out when I squared the equation. However, I soon realized there were other ways to make my answer negative, and the way I used was by making the x value and the constant on the right side greater than the left. This way, my x value on the left side would end up being negative, and the constant on the right would be positive. The constant would end up being negative when I divide by a negative number to ensure that the variable is not negative. When I finally determined this after lots of trial and error, it felt very fulfilling because it was one of the bigger challenges of this assignment.

4: “Did you find it helpful to have the freedom to choose the order of activities? Why or why not?”

I think it was helpful, but slightly irrelevant because I could have found a solution either way to satisfy all of the restraints. There are a lot of different pairings that would work, so if which go together were decided for me, that would not be too limiting.

5: “How did working independently on the math menu activities help you develop your skills?”

In class, we do lots of partner/group work on the boards which I think is effective for building collaborative skills as well as critical thinking skills. However, for this assignment I worked independently because then I didn’t have to consult anyone else and I get to have my own thought process. This is beneficial because I had to figure out any complications independently, which contributed to my growth of my math skills.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Reflection

“I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I…”

When creating and solving my equations, I demonstrated persistence and perseverance by trying different techniques when I was faced with a problem. For example, I used homework questions to give me inspiration for my equation’s structure when I wasn’t sure how to proceed with an equation. I also solved my equations several times each to explore alternate routes I could take, mainly to see how I could work towards one end solution (while tending to the constraints). Additionally, I asked questions and attended Flex times to make sure that I was on the right track. My openness to be flexible, my effort, and the time I have put into this assignment has contributed to my overall success.

Core Competency Self-Assessment: Textiles

Creative Thinking

“An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when…”

This semester, I completed a number of projects which I featured in a Vancouver fashion show. It was a significant risk because it was the first official display of my work. I’ve never showcased it to so many people before, so it was very nerve-wracking. I demonstrated perseverance and commitment to my work by doing extra at home to prepare for the show. I incorporated new techniques that I learned in-class which made my work more complex and professional. Also, it was very different from the ‘expected process‘ because I had to get things done way faster and make things that matched each other. This was such a significant learning experience for me because I learned more about the value of my class time and outside of class time, while also developing my organization skills.

Chanson Francophone Project Reflection

Core Competency Reflection

“Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…”

Examples of where I communicated clearly would be in the neat, organized and informational slides in my presentation, as shown above. When I was speaking during the presentation, I worked hard to talk directly and purposefully with the support of my slides. That allowed me to communicate my points clearly. I prepared for this by putting my information in my own words, and by rephrasing my facts in English before translating them to French. I incorporated structures taught in class while also challenging myself with complex structures to go above and beyond. While keeping this in mind, it was also necessary to speak clearly and accurately in order to convey my points during the presentation; to ensure the audiences’ understanding. I did my best to do this, one way being using cue cards and highlighting things to remember so that my delivery of the presentation would be direct and uncomplicated.

“Evidence that I can acquire information about complex and specialized topics from various sources, synthesize it, and present it with thoughtful analysis can be found in…”

On the biography slide of my presentation (above), I did extensive research and cited numerous sources to find facts about my subject (Mika) and to reconfirm them to ensure accuracy. I presented it in my own words, as mentioned above, in order to deepen my own understanding when discussing my research. This was a important factor in my thought process of developing my inferences, opinions, and identification of significance in the song. Converting information into my own French contributed to my overall analysis of the song and my reflection on it.


“As an active listener, I notice that I … “

When listening to others in class, I want to be more focused and make connections in my head that will help me polish my French. I specifically mean when classmates are talking or presenting, so I can gather various perspectives that will help me expand my listening skills and improve as a listener. In turn, this will also boost my comprehension, because hearing different people speak is important to learn, reflect, and improve.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical Thinking and Collaboration

Titration at end point. Solution is neutralized.

A titration is a technique used to find the unknown concentration of a solution by using another solution of a known concentration. In this experiment, we used a base of 0.1M to determine the molarity of hydrochloric acid. The endpoint of a titration is when the colour of the solution indicates that it is neutralized. For example, by adding phenolphthalein, it showed the end point of the titration by turning the solution a translucent, pale pink, as shown in the image above. To know that you have reached the endpoint, this pale colour will remain for about 30 seconds, then disappear again. Our results showed that (on average) 13.37 mL of NaOH was adequate to neutralize 10.00mL of HCl. It was at that point when we reached the lightest possible pink through all of our trial and error, showcased in image above. With this information, we determined the molarity of the hydrochloric acid to be 1M (unrounded number: 1.337M). [HCL]=1M.

Thinking Core Competency Reflection

“I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this…”

“I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.”

During the titrations lab, I persevered through the procedure when met with failure, reflected on my learning, and developed my critical thinking. I used my judgment to make decisions regarding accuracy in the lab, that being reading and recording measurements. I acted on feedback when given to further improve my understanding and growth, taking it as a learning opportunity. For example, when told to remeasure something (like acid in the pipet) or be more precise (when distributing drops of base into acid from the burette) I did my very best in order to showcase my adaptability, personal growth, and accuracy to the experiment. This contributed to my success, as there were several failures when too much base was added and I had to restart the procedure. This is proof of my advancement in the lab. Overall, this lab was a mentally stimulating challenge which I took constantly seeking to improve and with a willingness to do better.

Collaboration Core Competency Reflection

“I can apply constructive strategies to navigate misunderstandings and conflicts.”

“I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.”

Collaboration and leadership are important elements to any partner work or group’s success. My partner was absent for two of the three days, so I taught her the necessary steps in order to complete the experiment(s). For example, I showcased precision in multiple ways. When it came to measuring by using the pipet, I showed my partner how to to do it by giving a demonstration and then suggesting ways to improve so we could gain more accurate results. As for the burette, I displayed how to create drops and half-drops in order for us to err on the side of caution when experimenting with the base to acid ratio. If any misunderstandings were had, or any clarification was needed, I supplied a helpful answer, showing leadership by sharing knowledge and understanding, and in turn, developing our collective growth.

Core Competency Self Assesment

Creative Thinking Skills

Annaliesa Coupe

Artifact: Blue Velour Star Lounge Pants

I displayed my creative thinking skills during the creation and progression of this project by challenging myself and being creative through visual design. For the structure of the pants, I drafted my own pattern, showing my perseverance through the creative process. Blending inspiration from other sources (like Pinterest) with my own ideas and interests allowed me to create an original project that I brought to life through nothing but an idea.

Goals for Semester 1

Annaliesa Coupe

“I plan to make ethical choices such as… in order to…”

This semester, I am going to make healthy and beneficial choices regarding my time management and mental health. I will prioritize school and family in order to create a good balance; so that I can make the most of my school and home life. Being on top of things will be very important since I’m involved in a lot. As long as I am able to make ethical choices to ensure I’m doing the best I can, then my first semester will be challenging and manageable.

Some healthy decisions I could make would include fixing my sleep schedule, so that my focus and energy is improved. Another thing I can do is plan ahead- this will ensure that I can make time for school work and extracurriculars while also considering my social life. Finally, setting goals: to keep myself on-track, I can write down some personal goals for myself so that I will be reminded of them and have something solid to work towards (e.g. grades, achievements, friendships, etc).

Ceramics CC Reflection

Journal Cover Project

“My cultural background/upbringing contributes to who I am as a artist in that…”

This competency accurately represents my expression of identity in this piece. I incorporated aspects of my childhood (‘upbringing’) and my favourite memories as well as my hobbies in order to create this reflection of myself. It is very much focused on the idea of maximalism, which is seen through the colours, textures, and personal connections. To make this, I emphasized my background and upbringing to make it more unique. The flags at the top show my family’s orgins, the patchwork represents my love of sewing, and the trees with the kids symbolize my sister and I when we were little. These are all scraps of me put together to create this piece of my identity.

CLE 10 Final Reflection

I think My Career Report is my best work for a number of reasons. Firstly, I completed it as in-depth as I could, considering angles such as what I want to pursue, my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences, as well as schools that interested me. This project gave me a look into the paths I could take based off of what I wanted to pursue post-secondary. During this project, I was met with several obstacles such as not getting enough information or not being able to find accurate information on a course/school. I got past this by working extra outside of school and getting an extension so I could do my best and most thorough work. Overall, I’m really happy with how this report came together.

My Takeaways

My few biggest takeaways from CLE 10 would have to be the skills to navigate post-secondary options, knowing where to access resources to find information, and making connections that could help me in the future (e.g. with my career). There are so many things that helped me gain an understanding of my options, which is a really valuable takeaway for me because I think a lot about what I want to do post-secondary, with my career, and in life. Some of the most helpful assignments for me would be my Career Report, my resume, the career interview, and the mock interview. In the future, I know I am able to review and seek assistance from teachers and family members to help me make decisions about the future, and that is a really valuable takeaway for me.

Core Competency Reflection

“I can reflect on my strengths and identify my potential as a leaders in my community”

There are several ways in which my learning resonated with this statement. For one thing, we made a point of always reflecting on our learning in this class, and I was able to reflect on my strengths through goal-setting and personal reflection. I showed some leadership in this course and tried my best in all of my work. I demonstrated deep thinking and tried to go above and beyond in all assignments/projects. In this course, I am proud how much effort I put into my learning and I think that reflected in my work and grades.

Core Competency Self Reflection


This is my group project on wind energy.

“I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.”

In this group project, I demonstrated this core competency by assisting others and completing my work efficiently. I distributed roles to others in an attempt to be helpful so that we could work together to reach an end goal. Something I learned from this project would be that not everyone learns and works in the same way. That was certainly a challenge to overcome because it meant that we had to adapt and grow in order to get to our end goal: finishing our research and presenting it to the class. Next time, there were some things that I’d do differently, so I think that proves what a good learning experience that was for me. Overall, I am proud of the manner in which I completed my share of the work because it improved my sense of responsibility and collaboration within a group setting.

CLE 10 Career Interview Reflection

Who did you interview? What is their role or position? What did you find helpful and/or interesting? What was your BEST question? What was surprising or disappointing?

I interviewed Redia Soltis, who is a stylist in Vancouver. In this interview, I found it interesting how while connections are important to have, the most important thing is talent and passion for what you want to do. She mentioned that working hard and putting yourself out there until you succeed is what you need to do to get where you want to be. That is helpful for me to keep in mind when trying to get into the fashion industry. The best question I asked her was “what are your typical duties?” This gave me insight in what she does day-to-day. She responded saying that she ensures sets and photoshoots are visually appealing and ‘highly polished.’ Another important aspect was that the clothing and aesthetic of it all matched the company or brand she was presenting. This information was interesting, because I got to hear it first hand from a stylist- it gave me a look directly into the general job and industry I want to pursue. Something I found surprising was that what got her into the industry was not a university course but rather a background in hairdressing. Redia said she grabbed every opportunity that came her way and set goals for herself to succeed. This proves that having talent, and learning from mistakes (something she said was a big lesson for her) will get you far if you really want to do something in life, and this interview was very valuable for me to see just that.

How are YOU feeling about this career for yourself? What would you still like or need to find out? 

I am feeling a bit better about pursuing this career, because now I have a connection to rely on. I am still hesitant, however, because I’m not sure if I should pursue my dream of going to FIT in NYC or stay here and get work experience in the industry. What I need to do is talk to more people and research a lot more in order to gain a better understanding of what where I want to go, and how I need to get there.