My Digital Footprint- Keeping Myself Safe

By Annaliesa 

Creating a Safe and Positive Digital Footprint

A digital footprint- what is it? If you are online, on social media, or even just texting- chances are, you are leaving a digital footprint. This means any ‘bread crumbs’ you leave online, such as likes, comments, pictures, videos (even if it’s a private account!), anything- that is a digital footprint. It’s called this because you’ve left a mark, shown that you’ve been there, any information you leave leads back to you. 

There are both pros and cons to this. A pro could be that you can see who follows you, or likes your post, but there are cons, such as anything you try to delete is never really deleted. When it’s out there, it’s out there. 

The internet can be dangerous, too. Giving personal information to strangers or unsafe websites is not okay (and be careful when accepting terms of use!) because it could potentially use it against you, or try to sell you things. Ways you can work around this is giving a fake birthday (and remembering just in case you need it), a fake first and last name, and not including anything too personal about yourself in your username. 

I’ve learned to never give my full name or last name online, or just make a fake one altogether (unless I’m signing up for something that requires my name). I also know that anything can be screen-shotted or shared, so do not give up or say something sensitive. Over the years I have used technology quite a bit, for school, creative reasons, recipes, entertainment, and so much more. When you live in such a digitally connected world, you need to understand how to use it and also to be safe. 

While there are different policies for different types of apps, (entertainment, social media, text/email, games, online shopping, etc.), I searched up what the privacy policy for Instagram is as an example for social media safety. They said, “We don’t sell any of your information to anyone, and we never will.” However, according to this website, you should still be careful with your location, phone number, private/public accounts, etc. There are many factors included when you want to make a post, and those were a few of them. As that website states, you can reveal your location in a post, but that grants your whereabouts to strangers. Another source I used (find here, at 0:10) says to make your account private and only let people you know follow you. In my personal experience, (when I had Tiktok) I made my account private as well and only let people I knew follow me. I am very glad I did now, because while having 9 followers isn’t exactly impressive, it’s better then having it out there for strangers to see. 

Image from

  1. I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including…so I adjust my actions to…

Some negative consequences could be videos used against me, seen by future employers, content or my image stolen, and personal information hacked. This could happen by making a public account or giving personal information. Some positive impacts could be using it to my advantage, like advertising a product, getting multiple ways to find information (and multiple opinions!) and so many other ways, like entertainment. I have adjusted my actions in the sense that I am more considerate when giving information. I don’t give my full name on my account or username, and don’t turn my location on. 

  1. Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are…

Social media is a good way to see what others are up to, but connecting one on one or in group chat is more personal, and easier to get information and update each other (or just conversations). It is a great way to stay in touch, and I try to maintain a healthy online relationship with friends and family. I have older relatives in England, and I try to email regularly to keep in touch. I text friends on Whatsapp for homework, to make plans, and to just talk or call. I prefer not to have conversations on Snapchat because texts will delete, and I don’t think DMs on Instagram or Tiktok are preferable since anyone can message you and it is not what the app is designed for. I check notifications every day and try to check all of my emails regularly, if not daily. This is how everyone can and will reach me, so it is a good way to build relationships, online.

  1. Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include…

Right now I want to cut back on my technology use with entertainment (Snapchat, Youtube) so I’m going to try setting limits for myself or powering off my phone to restrain my use and get mandatory things out of the way (homework, piano practice, sports). Being present online is important, not only because you can correspond with teachers and peers, but you can build a healthy relationship with technology, by connecting with others, friends and family. It is essential to be safe, but also to have a good association with the online world. I hope to continue being cautious and aware online, and to preserve a positive online presence.

Art below made by Annaliesa, September 2022, WordArt

Sources and websites used:



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