Core Competency Self-Reflection- Leadership

Critical and Reflective Thinking

A leadership quality I possess would be my organizational abilities. I am good at managing my time wisely and distributing jobs to group members to effectively execute the task at hand. It helps me to not only lead and assist others in a collaborative environment, but also to schedule my own life in a way that allows me to get everything done. For example, almost daily I make to-do lists for myself to stick to so that I can be more efficient.

A leadership skill that I possess would be communication. I demonstrate this by collaborating with other members in a group and presenting my ideas clearly. I can give instructions and tasks to others to complete the task efficiently, and I can do so in an encouraging way. In addition to this, I am good at updating and touching base with others. For example, to remind people of an upcoming event or if I need clarification (really anything to make the collaboration process smoother), I often will send out an email or text to stay in touch with group members.

By the end of this course, a leadership quality I’d like to possess would be demonstration of flexibility. Often, I strongly prefer to have a set schedule that I can follow, mainly because that ties into my organizational quality. It is easier for me to just know what we’re doing and stick to that. I think it would be beneficial for me as a leader to be able to adapt a little more and let go of control when needed. I should also accept that even though my idea may be the best one in my view, it is sometimes necessary to be open to new ideas. If I can achieve a more open point of view, then it will be a positive thing for my leadership journey.

A leadership skill I hope to obtain would be delegation. Not so much in the sense of carrying out the act of delegating tasks to group members, but rather the trust within that itself. What I mean by this is trusting other group members to follow through. I like to be in control and take care of things myself, that way it is a guarantee that things get done. I would love to improve in this category so that the collaborative process of ideas, work and progress lets me let go of some responsibility, which shows my compatibility and trust with others. Overall, I want to improve my delegation, trust, and collaboration skills.

I can encourage others to share their voice and value diverse perspectives…

I can encourage others to share their voice by being a reliable and respectful group member. For me, when someone is supportive and kind to me that motivates me to share more of my ideas in-depth or share things that maybe I wouldn’t before. If I can channel that as a leader, it will cause others to want to share their perspective a little bit more. I think my ability to encourage and uplift others is good, but there is always room for improvement. This year in leadership, I can keep this in mind when meeting others and encouraging them to share their thoughts/opinions in order to grow and improve.


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