My Grade 9 Year
This year I learned that my actions/decisions have an impact. I discovered this by working hard; which resulted in good grades. I gained new study habits to help me adapt to high school, which was a big change. I’ve learned in-depth and expanded my knowledge in my subjects/electives- Part of this included asking for help. As I’ve learned, that has an impact because you get a better understanding of what you’re doing: clarifying what I need to do has supported me through my learning and I certainly can see results from that. Not only this, but when I found strategies that helped me work on projects and prepare for tests, it showed that I’ve grown academically and that hard work pays off. Overall, I’ve significantly grown in my subjects in both semesters and worked hard to see results.
My Favourite Website
This website, Canva, I feel supported my learning by being a source where I can combine my assignments with my ideas. It assisted me with the math ADL project by being a website where I could lay out my graphs in an aesthetically pleasing format. It also was a big help in my English class, where I did my Characterization of Me project and it was perfectly suited for me because I could take lots of creative license!
Favourite Video
I chose this video because it really got me thinking about how my decisions could affect my school year. It made me realize that if I put in the effort I could make myself proud and bring my grades where I want them to be. It’s hopeful how it is suggested that you have the power to change your life at any point, as said in this video.
My Favourite Image

This image is the 2023 Student Leadership Council flyer for this years’ wrap-up conference. I specifically wanted to focus on the Who Are You? part of this picture with the silhouette and the question mark, because that was the big theme. This year I have participated in every meeting and been an active (and the only person from Centennial) member of SLC, which is why it is one of the things that stands out in my grade 9 year.
My Favourite Quote

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
-Abraham Lincoln
I chose this quote because I felt that I thought along those lines this year when it came to my study habits. Relating to the video above, I knew I could make it happen but that to do that I would need to work hard. This quote literally is telling you to create your future, and I demonstrated it through asking questions, studying, and quality work so that I could see results and know my actions were/are paying off.
Works Cited
Facebook. Accessed 25 Apr. 2023.
What Is Your Life Path? 🧭 w OnlyJayus – #Shorts., Accessed 25 Apr. 2023.
Kathleen. “Quote Monday #12.” Life By Kathleen, 22 June 2014,
(I couldn’t cite this source as it is a website used for creation and not an actual source, so I just inserted the link for Canva above.)