CLE 10 Final Reflection

I think My Career Report is my best work for a number of reasons. Firstly, I completed it as in-depth as I could, considering angles such as what I want to pursue, my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences, as well as schools that interested me. This project gave me a look into the paths I could take based off of what I wanted to pursue post-secondary. During this project, I was met with several obstacles such as not getting enough information or not being able to find accurate information on a course/school. I got past this by working extra outside of school and getting an extension so I could do my best and most thorough work. Overall, I’m really happy with how this report came together.

My Takeaways

My few biggest takeaways from CLE 10 would have to be the skills to navigate post-secondary options, knowing where to access resources to find information, and making connections that could help me in the future (e.g. with my career). There are so many things that helped me gain an understanding of my options, which is a really valuable takeaway for me because I think a lot about what I want to do post-secondary, with my career, and in life. Some of the most helpful assignments for me would be my Career Report, my resume, the career interview, and the mock interview. In the future, I know I am able to review and seek assistance from teachers and family members to help me make decisions about the future, and that is a really valuable takeaway for me.

Core Competency Reflection

“I can reflect on my strengths and identify my potential as a leaders in my community”

There are several ways in which my learning resonated with this statement. For one thing, we made a point of always reflecting on our learning in this class, and I was able to reflect on my strengths through goal-setting and personal reflection. I showed some leadership in this course and tried my best in all of my work. I demonstrated deep thinking and tried to go above and beyond in all assignments/projects. In this course, I am proud how much effort I put into my learning and I think that reflected in my work and grades.

CLE 10 Career Interview Reflection

Who did you interview? What is their role or position? What did you find helpful and/or interesting? What was your BEST question? What was surprising or disappointing?

I interviewed Redia Soltis, who is a stylist in Vancouver. In this interview, I found it interesting how while connections are important to have, the most important thing is talent and passion for what you want to do. She mentioned that working hard and putting yourself out there until you succeed is what you need to do to get where you want to be. That is helpful for me to keep in mind when trying to get into the fashion industry. The best question I asked her was “what are your typical duties?” This gave me insight in what she does day-to-day. She responded saying that she ensures sets and photoshoots are visually appealing and ‘highly polished.’ Another important aspect was that the clothing and aesthetic of it all matched the company or brand she was presenting. This information was interesting, because I got to hear it first hand from a stylist- it gave me a look directly into the general job and industry I want to pursue. Something I found surprising was that what got her into the industry was not a university course but rather a background in hairdressing. Redia said she grabbed every opportunity that came her way and set goals for herself to succeed. This proves that having talent, and learning from mistakes (something she said was a big lesson for her) will get you far if you really want to do something in life, and this interview was very valuable for me to see just that.

How are YOU feeling about this career for yourself? What would you still like or need to find out? 

I am feeling a bit better about pursuing this career, because now I have a connection to rely on. I am still hesitant, however, because I’m not sure if I should pursue my dream of going to FIT in NYC or stay here and get work experience in the industry. What I need to do is talk to more people and research a lot more in order to gain a better understanding of what where I want to go, and how I need to get there.

Positive Social Media

Positive Social Media Posts


CC: “Identify risks and appreciate benefits associated with personal and public digital footprints”

With every post, there are many up-sides as well as drawbacks. Some would include that if you have a public account, your social media posts/history is there for everyone to see- possible employers, schools, your peers… if your posts are something you wouldn’t want those people to see, then you shouldn’t be posting it. That would be the biggest risk when it comes to a more public digital footprint. But there are upsides, too. If you do something positive- for example, volunteering- then people/employers will see that and likely think better of you. The opposite applies for a public account- no one can see your positive impact, therefore that can be a downside of a personal digital footprint.

Core Competency Reflection

“I can work to inform myself about issues surrounding me.”

With this post (which isn’t the actual post, but I did post about this specific volunteering event), I demonstrated the prompt above by helping out in my community. Hazel Trembath needed welcoming into the community after a devastating fire, and I banded together with leadership and went to help. It was a big issue for them and I wanted to be involved, which is what this post conveys in a positive way.

“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.”

I demonstrated this by making the post itself. I was proud of my volunteer work and the rest of leadership for coming together to help, so the post was the product of taking pride in helping out the community.

“I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.”

In this post, the way I represented my learning was through the caption and image. The post connected to my experience of helping the community, and it was represented through a post designed to have a positive impact that supported and spread awareness throughout the community.

“I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.”

This post demonstrates this competency in the sense of responsibility. This post shows future employers/schools that I am responsible and willing to do my part in a group, and possibly go above and beyond by volunteering my time.

My Goal Moving Forward

“I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.”

When I have my mind set on something, it can be hard to wrap my head around changing the way I get there or the goal itself. It’s like my heart is set on it. What I want to do to get around this is be better at accepting criticism and feedback from others. I think that if I can adapt to this, I will make better and more progress towards my goals in life. I will do this by trying my best to be open to others ideas and thoughts, while still considering my own to overall help me successfully reach my goals.