Core Competency Self-Assessment: Textiles

Creative Thinking

“An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when…”

This semester, I completed a number of projects which I featured in a Vancouver fashion show. It was a significant risk because it was the first official display of my work. I’ve never showcased it to so many people before, so it was very nerve-wracking. I demonstrated perseverance and commitment to my work by doing extra at home to prepare for the show. I incorporated new techniques that I learned in-class which made my work more complex and professional. Also, it was very different from the ‘expected process‘ because I had to get things done way faster and make things that matched each other. This was such a significant learning experience for me because I learned more about the value of my class time and outside of class time, while also developing my organization skills.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical Thinking and Collaboration

Titration at end point. Solution is neutralized.

A titration is a technique used to find the unknown concentration of a solution by using another solution of a known concentration. In this experiment, we used a base of 0.1M to determine the molarity of hydrochloric acid. The endpoint of a titration is when the colour of the solution indicates that it is neutralized. For example, by adding phenolphthalein, it showed the end point of the titration by turning the solution a translucent, pale pink, as shown in the image above. To know that you have reached the endpoint, this pale colour will remain for about 30 seconds, then disappear again. Our results showed that (on average) 13.37 mL of NaOH was adequate to neutralize 10.00mL of HCl. It was at that point when we reached the lightest possible pink through all of our trial and error, showcased in image above. With this information, we determined the molarity of the hydrochloric acid to be 1M (unrounded number: 1.337M). [HCL]=1M.

Thinking Core Competency Reflection

“I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this…”

“I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.”

During the titrations lab, I persevered through the procedure when met with failure, reflected on my learning, and developed my critical thinking. I used my judgment to make decisions regarding accuracy in the lab, that being reading and recording measurements. I acted on feedback when given to further improve my understanding and growth, taking it as a learning opportunity. For example, when told to remeasure something (like acid in the pipet) or be more precise (when distributing drops of base into acid from the burette) I did my very best in order to showcase my adaptability, personal growth, and accuracy to the experiment. This contributed to my success, as there were several failures when too much base was added and I had to restart the procedure. This is proof of my advancement in the lab. Overall, this lab was a mentally stimulating challenge which I took constantly seeking to improve and with a willingness to do better.

Collaboration Core Competency Reflection

“I can apply constructive strategies to navigate misunderstandings and conflicts.”

“I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.”

Collaboration and leadership are important elements to any partner work or group’s success. My partner was absent for two of the three days, so I taught her the necessary steps in order to complete the experiment(s). For example, I showcased precision in multiple ways. When it came to measuring by using the pipet, I showed my partner how to to do it by giving a demonstration and then suggesting ways to improve so we could gain more accurate results. As for the burette, I displayed how to create drops and half-drops in order for us to err on the side of caution when experimenting with the base to acid ratio. If any misunderstandings were had, or any clarification was needed, I supplied a helpful answer, showing leadership by sharing knowledge and understanding, and in turn, developing our collective growth.

Core Competency Self Assesment

Creative Thinking Skills

Annaliesa Coupe

Artifact: Blue Velour Star Lounge Pants

I displayed my creative thinking skills during the creation and progression of this project by challenging myself and being creative through visual design. For the structure of the pants, I drafted my own pattern, showing my perseverance through the creative process. Blending inspiration from other sources (like Pinterest) with my own ideas and interests allowed me to create an original project that I brought to life through nothing but an idea.

English 9 Final Reflection

Artifact: My Identity Poem

Sound devices/figurative language used:

  • Rhyme  
  • Alliteration  
  • Onomatopoeia 
  • Simile 
  • Hyperbole  
  • Metaphor  


Annaliesa is my name,  

Part of my identity.  

That and a whole lot more make me who I am and want to be. (rhyme)  

I’ve got blonde hair, a brace face 

Eyes that shift between blue and green 

I love to work with clay, as well as sew while watching tv 

It is my artist’s medium.  

I enjoy thrifting, shopping second-hand 

From their closet to mine  

I have a lot of thoughts and opinions  

And not a whole lot of free time

I fill my calendar with sports and such,  

Busy as a bee (simile) 

I buzz around and try to please those I know best, (Onomatopoeia)  

Then read and try to get some rest (rhyme)  

My hands play piano and fill the margins of my page with sketches 

Maybe my drawings reflect my life? (Metaphor) 

It’s fun to be creative, personally I love to write  

Fingers clicking at the keyboard day and night (Hyperbole and rhyme)  

I want to publish a book one day  

A splendid story that I can simply call mine. (Alliteration)  

All my interests 


And what I do with my time 

Make up my identity  

And that, I find sublime. (rhyme)  

This poem circling around my identity was a project that stuck out to me, because I enjoyed it but also got to use things we’ve been learning in class to bring it all together.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

During this project, I developed my writing skills specifically using sound devices and figurative language. Unlike and poetry unit I’ve done before, we got full creative license to use the sound devices and figurative language in our own, original free verse poem. To me, was more engaging than doing a bunch of other poems, like haiku’s, limericks, sonnets, etc. That way, we got to do less build-up and more writing, which was very enjoyable for me.

Thinking- Core Competency Reflection

“I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas.”

I showed the core competency above when I was writing my identity poem. The process I used was a brainstorm page to spill my ideas for the poem onto the page, then used them to craft a rough draft of my poem. This was the method I used to develop my poem, ideas, and aspects of my identity before then combining them into one. Some challenges I had while writing this poem were being able to incorporate all of the required sound devices/figurative language. A few of them just didn’t blend into the poem like I wanted them to, and so I changed a few lines up and played around with how it sounded out loud to make it exactly how I wanted it. That is how I used perseverance to work around setbacks to ripen and curate this poem to my taste. Next time, I might try planning out how I want to use the poetic devices instead of doing them as I went along with the writing process. Building on top of my ideas worked for me, but maybe next time I will think more of the structure in the poem beforehand.