“I plan to make ethical choices such as… in order to…”
This semester, I am going to make healthy and beneficial choices regarding my time management and mental health. I will prioritize school and family in order to create a good balance; so that I can make the most of my school and home life. Being on top of things will be very important since I’m involved in a lot. As long as I am able to make ethical choices to ensure I’m doing the best I can, then my first semester will be challenging and manageable.
Some healthy decisions I could make would include fixing my sleep schedule, so that my focus and energy is improved. Another thing I can do is plan ahead- this will ensure that I can make time for school work and extracurriculars while also considering my social life. Finally, setting goals: to keep myself on-track, I can write down some personal goals for myself so that I will be reminded of them and have something solid to work towards (e.g. grades, achievements, friendships, etc).
Who did you interview? What is their role or position? What did you find helpful and/or interesting? What was your BEST question? What was surprising or disappointing?
I interviewed Redia Soltis, who is a stylist in Vancouver. In this interview, I found it interesting how while connections are important to have, the most important thing is talent and passion for what you want to do. She mentioned that working hard and putting yourself out there until you succeed is what you need to do to get where you want to be. That is helpful for me to keep in mind when trying to get into the fashion industry. The best question I asked her was “what are your typical duties?” This gave me insight in what she does day-to-day. She responded saying that she ensures sets and photoshoots are visually appealing and ‘highly polished.’ Another important aspect was that the clothing and aesthetic of it all matched the company or brand she was presenting. This information was interesting, because I got to hear it first hand from a stylist- it gave me a look directly into the general job and industry I want to pursue. Something I found surprising was that what got her into the industry was not a university course but rather a background in hairdressing. Redia said she grabbed every opportunity that came her way and set goals for herself to succeed. This proves that having talent, and learning from mistakes (something she said was a big lesson for her) will get you far if you really want to do something in life, and this interview was very valuable for me to see just that.
How are YOU feeling about this career for yourself? What would you still like or need to find out?
I am feeling a bit better about pursuing this career, because now I have a connection to rely on. I am still hesitant, however, because I’m not sure if I should pursue my dream of going to FIT in NYC or stay here and get work experience in the industry. What I need to do is talk to more people and research a lot more in order to gain a better understanding of what where I want to go, and how I need to get there.
A leadership quality I possess would be my organizational abilities. I am good at managing my time wisely and distributing jobs to group members to effectively execute the task at hand. It helps me to not only lead and assist others in a collaborative environment, but also to schedule my own life in a way that allows me to get everything done. For example, almost daily I make to-do lists for myself to stick to so that I can be more efficient.
A leadership skill that I possess would be communication. I demonstrate this by collaborating with other members in a group and presenting my ideas clearly. I can give instructions and tasks to others to complete the task efficiently, and I can do so in an encouraging way. In addition to this, I am good at updating and touching base with others. For example, to remind people of an upcoming event or if I need clarification (really anything to make the collaboration process smoother), I often will send out an email or text to stay in touch with group members.
By the end of this course, a leadership quality I’d like to possess would be demonstration of flexibility. Often, I strongly prefer to have a set schedule that I can follow, mainly because that ties into my organizational quality. It is easier for me to just know what we’re doing and stick to that. I think it would be beneficial for me as a leader to be able to adapt a little more and let go of control when needed. I should also accept that even though my idea may be the best one in my view, it is sometimes necessary to be open to new ideas. If I can achieve a more open point of view, then it will be a positive thing for my leadership journey.
A leadership skill I hope to obtain would be delegation. Not so much in the sense of carrying out the act of delegating tasks to group members, but rather the trust within that itself. What I mean by this is trusting other group members to follow through. I like to be in control and take care of things myself, that way it is a guarantee that things get done. I would love to improve in this category so that the collaborative process of ideas, work and progress lets me let go of some responsibility, which shows my compatibility and trust with others. Overall, I want to improve my delegation, trust, and collaboration skills.
I can encourage others to share their voice and value diverse perspectives…
I can encourage others to share their voice by being a reliable and respectful group member. For me, when someone is supportive and kind to me that motivates me to share more of my ideas in-depth or share things that maybe I wouldn’t before. If I can channel that as a leader, it will cause others to want to share their perspective a little bit more. I think my ability to encourage and uplift others is good, but there is always room for improvement. This year in leadership, I can keep this in mind when meeting others and encouraging them to share their thoughts/opinions in order to grow and improve.
1: Considering all of the examples of ads you saw and the one you created, what did you learn about who benefits from advertisement?
I think that the company who makes the ad will always be the one that benefits from it, even if they make a little bit of money, even if they make a lot. Also, the people who help with the ad will benefit as well, even if they aren’t part of the company. If there is a model or actor, then they will probably get compensation as well but my guess is that they don’t get paid for every percent of the dollar that the company makes forever from that ad.
2: Why is the who important to remember when you view an advertisement?
It is important to have a targeted audience, because if it doesn’t apply to most of the viewers then it isn’t relevant to them, meaning that they won’t pay attention. As a result, the company won’t get customers. Sometimes, it’s important to generalize your ad for all, because then more people will think that the thing being sold is helpful for them. If you fail to do so, then your sales potentially won’t be so great.
3: Discuss the effectiveness (or not) of each form of persuasion: logical, ethical and emotional on an audience (and on you).
Logical ads are effective because it tells you that the thing advertised is necessary, effective and that you need it. Although, it might not work because it won’t be the same for everyone. For example, a sale at a sports store would be interesting for people who play sports, but not so much for ones who don’t. Ethical is effective because you see a brand you trust, or more often a celebrity, and think that if they like it, I will to. However, it could backfire because it could be a celebrity that you don’t know, or rather, one that you dislike. Finally, Emotional is effective because it makes you feel something that is intended to nudge you into buying their product (or donating, contributing, etc). It could be guilt, happiness, desire- all of which are trying to push you in the direction of supporting the brand or franchise.
4: Choose 3 advertising techniques and explain why they are effective in advertisement.
Repetition: I used repetition in my ad to explain why it was ideal if you owned a dog. I think the purpose of this, and why it is used in ads, is because it is catchy and stays in the viewer’s head, so that the ad isn’t forgettable.
Colour: Colour schemes can be used to make a colour palette for the ad. It can be intented to be pleasant, bold, subtle, relaxing, intriguing, etc. My colour scheme in my ad was used to match the product being sold (orange and blue).
Promotions: Giving a deal or promoting your product in a pleasing light is important. I did this at the end of my ad, saying that if you buy 2 fetch balls then you get one free. Now, deals aren’t always what they seem. They can be presented nicely, but who would need 3 of the same fetch balls? In my ad, it is said you can get one free if you buy one but who needs 3? Another example is food. 30% less fat? Great, but what was the amount of fat in the first place? It could still be quite a high number, that they just don’t say to make you see the product in a better light.
To conclude, everyday ads that you see everywhere are more complicated than they seem. I learned this through exploring various advertising techniques and using them to create an original ad of my own. I enjoyed playing around with other ads I’d seen and adding elements of those to my own (colours, demonstration of repetition, etc). That is the inspiration with my ad and the thought process behind it. I learned how to spot other companies uses of advertisement techniques. Overall, it was an interesting assignment and my knowledge of advertising benefited from it.
Core Competency Reflection:
1: This is how I selected images and words to create impact for my planned audience:
I used a bold colour scheme of orange and blue to match the product and grab the audience’s attention. Loud font was used as well to create a fun, outstanding presentation which I thought was a good contribution to the ad.
2: One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was…
I was excited that I would get lots of creative license over the presentation of this ad, because I enjoy being able to develop and create my own ideas. It motivated me to do my best and put in my best effort to make this ad worthwhile to the viewers, but also for me to look back on and be proud of.
3: I respectfully advocated for my needs on this project by…
I had trouble with inserting the powerpoint the correct way, but teachers and peers helped me with that because I asked for help. It was and is a challenge because I have a different kind of computer, but I overcame that anyhow and tried to preserve.
A digital footprint- what is it? If you are online, on social media, or even just texting- chances are, you are leaving a digital footprint. This means any ‘bread crumbs’ you leave online, such as likes, comments, pictures, videos (even if it’s a private account!), anything- that is a digital footprint. It’s called this because you’ve left a mark, shown that you’ve been there, any information you leave leads back to you.
There are both pros and cons to this. A pro could be that you can see who follows you, or likes your post, but there are cons, such as anything you try to delete is never really deleted. When it’s out there, it’s out there.
The internet can be dangerous, too. Giving personal information to strangers or unsafe websites is not okay (and be careful when accepting terms of use!) because it could potentially use it against you, or try to sell you things. Ways you can work around this is giving a fake birthday (and remembering just in case you need it), a fake first and last name, and not including anything too personal about yourself in your username.
I’ve learned to never give my full name or last name online, or just make a fake one altogether (unless I’m signing up for something that requires my name). I also know that anything can be screen-shotted or shared, so do not give up or say something sensitive. Over the years I have used technology quite a bit, for school, creative reasons, recipes, entertainment, and so much more. When you live in such a digitally connected world, you need to understand how to use it and also to be safe.
While there are different policies for different types of apps, (entertainment, social media, text/email, games, online shopping, etc.), I searched up what the privacy policy for Instagram is as an example for social media safety. They said, “We don’t sell any of your information to anyone, and we never will.” However, according to this website, you should still be careful with your location, phone number, private/public accounts, etc. There are many factors included when you want to make a post, and those were a few of them. As that website states, you can reveal your location in a post, but that grants your whereabouts to strangers. Another source I used (find here, at 0:10) says to make your account private and only let people you know follow you. In my personal experience, (when I had Tiktok) I made my account private as well and only let people I knew follow me. I am very glad I did now, because while having 9 followers isn’t exactly impressive, it’s better then having it out there for strangers to see.
Image from seeklogo.com
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including…so I adjust my actions to…
Some negative consequences could be videos used against me, seen by future employers, content or my image stolen, and personal information hacked. This could happen by making a public account or giving personal information. Some positive impacts could be using it to my advantage, like advertising a product, getting multiple ways to find information (and multiple opinions!) and so many other ways, like entertainment. I have adjusted my actions in the sense that I am more considerate when giving information. I don’t give my full name on my account or username, and don’t turn my location on.
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are…
Social media is a good way to see what others are up to, but connecting one on one or in group chat is more personal, and easier to get information and update each other (or just conversations). It is a great way to stay in touch, and I try to maintain a healthy online relationship with friends and family. I have older relatives in England, and I try to email regularly to keep in touch. I text friends on Whatsapp for homework, to make plans, and to just talk or call. I prefer not to have conversations on Snapchat because texts will delete, and I don’t think DMs on Instagram or Tiktok are preferable since anyone can message you and it is not what the app is designed for. I check notifications every day and try to check all of my emails regularly, if not daily. This is how everyone can and will reach me, so it is a good way to build relationships, online.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include…
Right now I want to cut back on my technology use with entertainment (Snapchat, Youtube) so I’m going to try setting limits for myself or powering off my phone to restrain my use and get mandatory things out of the way (homework, piano practice, sports). Being present online is important, not only because you can correspond with teachers and peers, but you can build a healthy relationship with technology, by connecting with others, friends and family. It is essential to be safe, but also to have a good association with the online world. I hope to continue being cautious and aware online, and to preserve a positive online presence.
Art below made by Annaliesa, September 2022, WordArt
Sources and websites used:
Word Cloud Generator. https://wordart.com/. Accessed 4 Nov. 2022.
Here’s How You Can Stay Safe on Instagram. www.youtube.com, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxwrip9DiTg. Accessed 4 Nov. 2022.
“5 Ways to Keep Your Instagram Profile Safe.” Naked Security, 22 June 2016, https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2016/06/22/5-ways-to-keep-your-instagram-profile-safe/.
A digital footprint- what is it? If you are online, on social media, or even just texting- chances are, you are leaving a digital footprint. This means any ‘bread crumbs’ you leave online, such as likes, comments, pictures, videos (even if it’s a private account!), anything- that is a digital footprint. It’s called this because you’ve left a mark, shown that you’ve been there, any information you leave leads back to you.
There are both pros and cons to this. A pro could be that you can see who follows you, or likes your post, but there are cons, such as anything you try to delete is never really deleted. When it’s out there, it’s out there.
The internet can be dangerous, too. Giving personal information to strangers or unsafe websites is not okay (and be careful when accepting terms of use!) because it could potentially use it against you, or try to sell you things. Ways you can work around this is giving a fake birthday (and remembering just in case you need it), a fake first and last name, and not including anything too personal about yourself in your username.
I’ve learned to never give my full name or last name online, or just make a fake one altogether (unless I’m signing up for something that requires my name). I also know that anything can be screen-shotted or shared, so do not give up or say something sensitive. Over the years I have used technology quite a bit, for school, creative reasons, recipes, entertainment, and so much more. When you live in such a digitally connected world, you need to understand how to use it and also to be safe.
While there are different policies for different types of apps, (entertainment, social media, text/email, games, online shopping, etc.), I searched up what the privacy policy for Instagram is as an example for social media safety. They said, “We don’t sell any of your information to anyone, and we never will.” However, according to this website, you should still be careful with your location, phone number, private/public accounts, etc. There are many factors included when you want to make a post, and those were a few of them. As that website states, you can reveal your location in a post, but that grants your whereabouts to strangers. Another source I used (find here, at 0:10) says to make your account private and only let people you know follow you. In my personal experience, (when I had Tiktok) I made my account private as well and only let people I knew follow me. I am very glad I did now, because while having 9 followers isn’t exactly impressive, it’s better then having it out there for strangers to see.
Image from seeklogo.com
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including…so I adjust my actions to…
Some negative consequences could be videos used against me, seen by future employers, content or my image stolen, and personal information hacked. This could happen by making a public account or giving personal information. Some positive impacts could be using it to my advantage, like advertising a product, getting multiple ways to find information (and multiple opinions!) and so many other ways, like entertainment. I have adjusted my actions in the sense that I am more considerate when giving information. I don’t give my full name on my account or username, and don’t turn my location on.
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are…
Social media is a good way to see what others are up to, but connecting one on one or in group chat is more personal, and easier to get information and update each other (or just conversations). It is a great way to stay in touch, and I try to maintain a healthy online relationship with friends and family. I have older relatives in England, and I try to email regularly to keep in touch. I text friends on Whatsapp for homework, to make plans, and to just talk or call. I prefer not to have conversations on Snapchat because texts will delete, and I don’t think DMs on Instagram or Tiktok are preferable since anyone can message you and it is not what the app is designed for. I check notifications every day and try to check all of my emails regularly, if not daily. This is how everyone can and will reach me, so it is a good way to build relationships, online.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include…
Right now I want to cut back on my technology use with entertainment (Snapchat, Youtube) so I’m going to try setting limits for myself or powering off my phone to restrain my use and get mandatory things out of the way (homework, piano practice, sports). Being present online is important, not only because you can correspond with teachers and peers, but you can build a healthy relationship with technology, by connecting with others, friends and family. It is essential to be safe, but also to have a good association with the online world. I hope to continue being cautious and aware online, and to preserve a positive online presence.
Art below made by Annaliesa, September 2022, WordArt