My Learning of CPR

How to Perform CPR: Guidelines, Procedure, and Ratio. 10 June 2020,
CPR Reflection
- What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before?
I learned the proper order of steps in how to perform CPR- and not only that- but I also learned what comes before and after, which would be the recognition of the need for CPR and how to help afterwards (assisting EMS and letting them know what happened).
- What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit?
A key takeaway for me was symptoms to recognize. It could be dangerous to do CPR when it is not necessary (you likely will break their ribs) but now I know how to identify when someone might require it (no pulse, unconscious, not breathing, the 5 P’s, etc) which I didn’t know how to before.
- How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?
This unit connects to nutrition because we learned that several health risks and factors for someone to have a heart attack/stroke comes from a poor diet, which we learned all about in our nutrition unit (how to eat properly to stay healthy).
Core Competency Reflection
Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen in…
When performing the CPR live assessment, I was vocal and loud when communicating what I needed from others (‘Call 911! Get an AED!’). I clearly stated my steps out loud to be straightforward and focused. For example, I counted chest compressions, talked the victim through the process, and was firm when giving directions to myself and others.
One lesson that stimulated my thinking about the importance of CPR was…
During the CPR live assessment, I realized that this wasn’t just for others. People in my family could go into cardiac arrest, in which I would be knowledgeable to save them. This realization is scary but made me realize how important it is to have the life saving knowledge and skills to potentially save someone’s life… or my own family’s life.
In this unit, I am proud that I accomplished …. By ….
In this unit, I am proud to have done well on the live assessment and that I have a clear and thorough understanding of CPR. I am proud to have accomplished successful completion of this course and now the ability to save other’s lives if necessary. For me, this is an important achievement and an essential skill to have because it could literally mean life and death.