Chanson Francophone Project Reflection

Core Competency Reflection

“Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…”

Examples of where I communicated clearly would be in the neat, organized and informational slides in my presentation, as shown above. When I was speaking during the presentation, I worked hard to talk directly and purposefully with the support of my slides. That allowed me to communicate my points clearly. I prepared for this by putting my information in my own words, and by rephrasing my facts in English before translating them to French. I incorporated structures taught in class while also challenging myself with complex structures to go above and beyond. While keeping this in mind, it was also necessary to speak clearly and accurately in order to convey my points during the presentation; to ensure the audiences’ understanding. I did my best to do this, one way being using cue cards and highlighting things to remember so that my delivery of the presentation would be direct and uncomplicated.

“Evidence that I can acquire information about complex and specialized topics from various sources, synthesize it, and present it with thoughtful analysis can be found in…”

On the biography slide of my presentation (above), I did extensive research and cited numerous sources to find facts about my subject (Mika) and to reconfirm them to ensure accuracy. I presented it in my own words, as mentioned above, in order to deepen my own understanding when discussing my research. This was a important factor in my thought process of developing my inferences, opinions, and identification of significance in the song. Converting information into my own French contributed to my overall analysis of the song and my reflection on it.


“As an active listener, I notice that I … “

When listening to others in class, I want to be more focused and make connections in my head that will help me polish my French. I specifically mean when classmates are talking or presenting, so I can gather various perspectives that will help me expand my listening skills and improve as a listener. In turn, this will also boost my comprehension, because hearing different people speak is important to learn, reflect, and improve.

Ceramics CC Reflection

Journal Cover Project

“My cultural background/upbringing contributes to who I am as a artist in that…”

This competency accurately represents my expression of identity in this piece. I incorporated aspects of my childhood (‘upbringing’) and my favourite memories as well as my hobbies in order to create this reflection of myself. It is very much focused on the idea of maximalism, which is seen through the colours, textures, and personal connections. To make this, I emphasized my background and upbringing to make it more unique. The flags at the top show my family’s orgins, the patchwork represents my love of sewing, and the trees with the kids symbolize my sister and I when we were little. These are all scraps of me put together to create this piece of my identity.

Positive Social Media

Positive Social Media Posts


CC: “Identify risks and appreciate benefits associated with personal and public digital footprints”

With every post, there are many up-sides as well as drawbacks. Some would include that if you have a public account, your social media posts/history is there for everyone to see- possible employers, schools, your peers… if your posts are something you wouldn’t want those people to see, then you shouldn’t be posting it. That would be the biggest risk when it comes to a more public digital footprint. But there are upsides, too. If you do something positive- for example, volunteering- then people/employers will see that and likely think better of you. The opposite applies for a public account- no one can see your positive impact, therefore that can be a downside of a personal digital footprint.

Core Competency Reflection

“I can work to inform myself about issues surrounding me.”

With this post (which isn’t the actual post, but I did post about this specific volunteering event), I demonstrated the prompt above by helping out in my community. Hazel Trembath needed welcoming into the community after a devastating fire, and I banded together with leadership and went to help. It was a big issue for them and I wanted to be involved, which is what this post conveys in a positive way.

“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.”

I demonstrated this by making the post itself. I was proud of my volunteer work and the rest of leadership for coming together to help, so the post was the product of taking pride in helping out the community.

“I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.”

In this post, the way I represented my learning was through the caption and image. The post connected to my experience of helping the community, and it was represented through a post designed to have a positive impact that supported and spread awareness throughout the community.

“I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.”

This post demonstrates this competency in the sense of responsibility. This post shows future employers/schools that I am responsible and willing to do my part in a group, and possibly go above and beyond by volunteering my time.

My Goal Moving Forward

“I can give, receive and act on feedback to progress in my goals.”

When I have my mind set on something, it can be hard to wrap my head around changing the way I get there or the goal itself. It’s like my heart is set on it. What I want to do to get around this is be better at accepting criticism and feedback from others. I think that if I can adapt to this, I will make better and more progress towards my goals in life. I will do this by trying my best to be open to others ideas and thoughts, while still considering my own to overall help me successfully reach my goals.

PHE 9 AH Reflection

My Feeling Emoji 😀😐

I chose these emojis because I really enjoy PE, but sometimes it can get a bit repetitive if we are doing a unit I don’t personally enjoy.

Health and Wellness Core Competency Reflection

  1. Some of my traits/skills that make me a leader in the are of physical and/or mental health include…

I try to include people that don’t have a partner, and to participate in activities because it’s good to be physically healthy. When someone else messes up in an activity or is hurt, I check in to make sure they’re okay. That would be an aspect of supporting mental health.

2. Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include…

I like to be active, therefore I play basketball and soccer. In my family it’s important to get exercise regularly so this keeps me busy and active.