Positive Personal and Cultural Identity

An assignment in Social Justice that had me explore this core competency was the Identity Map. Before this assignment we had filled out a table called a map of myself where we explored our identities and whether they gave us a privileged position or a marginalized one. After completing it we had the identity map that we used to reflect on parts of our identity. We were asked what we are most conscious of and what we appreciate about that and what we are least conscious of and what we appreciate about that. It made me more aware of things about my identity that i don’t think about often because I have privilege do to some parts of my identity. For the identity that I posted that I was unconscious of could be what other people are most conscious of and it made me realize the privilege I have and being more aware of my identities.

Separation Agreement- Law 12

About the Activity

We are given a situation of a couple that is separating. Each person has a certain set of needs that they want to attain out of the separation. We had to write up a legal separation agreement and reflect on how it went and if we got everything that we wanted out of the separation.


I can Statements

I can advocate for myself.

-While doing this separation we had to negotiate who gets what and what would happen with the children and pet. I could speak on behalf of myself and what my needs were and try to have them met. At times it was not easy to do because some things we both wanted and could not both have.

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.

-In this activity it was important to listen to the other person to see what they wanted out of the separation and to make it fair. At least that was what i wanted to do for my partner have it as equal as possible and try to meet both of our wants.

I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.

-In this assignment i could take on the part of doing the legal agreement and reflect on my actions during the separations. It was a partner project but we were also almost working against each other because in the end we each wanted to win everything that was on the assignment.

I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.

-I asked my mom for input on this assignment because she has gone through this process before. She helped with calculations and ideas of rights I should look up and find out what I have rights to.

Curricular Competency Reflection

This project helped us gain perspective on what it would be like separating. It was pretty realistic as we had personal details and needs and it could get intense at times. Sometimes we really felt like we were separating. It showed how it isn’t simple to get separated or divorced it is hard and the couples will rarely agree on everything they would like the achieve.

Desert Island Scenario

About the Activity

In this activity we had to come up with a system of survival if our class was deserted or an island. We had a to make up a legal code to keep order on the island which includes roles a jury, human rights, and laws. We were able to do this in partner or work alone and I chose to do it with a partner. We had to establish what would be punishments to laws that have been broken and how to get laws passed and who would be in charge of that.

I can Statements

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.

-While doing this activity we were new to the course so we were constantly asking questions and answering each others questions.

I can work with others to achieve a goal.

-I chose to do this project with a partner and it went very well. We were good at sharing our ideas and talking about what works and what doesn’t.

I can encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives.

-I would encourage my partner Brynne to put what she thought best fit what our society was trying to accomplish and if she had ideas about laws or ways to make it more successful I would always wants her to express them and add them to the project.

I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully.

-While working in a group if their were certain this that i didn’t agree with or didn’t want to be present in our society I could express these concerns to Brynne and she would be very understanding.

Law Debates

About the Project

During this project I was in charge of writing an opening and choosing a main point to defend. I researched the opposing sides sites that were posted and created some points that i could possibly rebuttal. i spoke for the parts that i had written and also helped share my opinion in other members of my groups parts.

Core Competency Reflection

I can work with others to achieve a goal

-I chose this one because my group worked together to create this debate on the con side of mandating vaccines. We presented it and completed the task with feeling good about what we had done.

I can take on roles in a group; I do my share

-I chose this one because i asked to take on certain roles that my group allowed me to and I completed them.

I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully.I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully.

-I chose this one because i find debates really interesting and can understand points from both sides. I can disagree in a calm matter and get my point across.

I can advocate for myself

-I feel comfortable speaking in front of people so it is easy for me to talk in a debate about what I believe and what I have written down.

I can find it easy to be part of a group

I don’t mind working in a group but would prefer to work by myself. I would want to make it a goal for myself to let everyones opinions heard and be able to be patient with everyone working in my group.

Curricular Competency Reflection

The way I was able to make reasonable judgements on controversial topics was by looking at both sides and understanding pros and cons of each. Debates are not about right and wrong but to see both sides of an argument in a calm organized way. I listened and understood where the opposing side was coming from and could take that information and think about ways that might not work or be the case.