Candy DNA
During one of our labs around DNA and my partner made a structure out of mini marshmallows, Twizzlers, and toothpicks. I really liked this lab because it was a hands-on activity with treats at the very end. Being able to learn about the DNA and how our bodies work really amazes me. The Chromosomes are coiled DNA with two strands that wrap around (Twizzlers). There are these things called bases that consist of two pairs A-T and G-C ( Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine) which the marshmallows represent.
Core Competency Reflection
If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to…
I find it helpful to include everyone’s thoughts within the final project. In this lab, I found it better for each of us to pick colors for each base (ex I pick two, then Rhiannon would pick the other two.) It was a better concept for each of us to contribute to the final outcome, even if it was such a tiny decision. When we disagree, I always like to look at their point of view, so I can see how to interpret their ideas. During past projects or labs, I did with classmates, it’s always good to keep a happy, calm mind. It’s not easy for any of us if someone gets annoyed that we didn’t pick their answer. Whenever I’m the one who gets angry or annoyed I have personal ways to calm myself down, like, taking a deep breath and reconnecting my thoughts, so I can become peaceful. These are the reasons why I think it’s best for all of us to somehow include everyone’s ideas, so everyone contributes somehow.