Scale factor project reflection

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core competency reflection

If there is a disagreement between the group I find it helpful to include everyone’s ideas within the assignment. If everyone is set on their own choices I think it would be better for everyone o find a way to interpret their ideas into one equal agreement. 

When I need to boost my mood or re focus I… listen to music. Music is very helpful to calm one’s mind. If I am not able to get any sort of song to refocus I use other things to motivate me. Such as having little breaks in between if I get too stressed over one assignment. 

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are… to always have an open mind. Many moments people may get aggravated over something someone said, but if you keep calm it’s helpful not just for the person but for you so you wouldn’t lash out on them. Being respectful is super helpful when someone isn’t as opened to you as you think. 

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…

for my goal, I think I should share my ideas more often and openly suggest things instead of agreeing on one idea.

ADL- Collaboration and Solutions for Financial Literacy

Data and Solutions

Gain year

For this assignment, decided to keep a one-year GIC while having the remaining two years in stocks. During the one-year GIC I gained 92,800, but I’m unable to spend that amount until the very end. That’s why I switched to stock so I’m able to spend a couple more. With the 7.5% on stocks, I am able to gain a lot more to a total of 127,992 in total.  

Lost year

And in the lost year, I still have the one-year GIC which concludes to 92,800 but then we switch to stocks with the losing year and that is a 6.9% loss to a total of 99,745.42. 

End goal

In conclusion, I think being able to take a little bit of risk is good. I tried doing stocks and the GIC, if I lost, I only go down 20,255. If you are a person who’s overly cautious, you shouldn’t use the risk of losing that 6,9%. When gained in stocks the percentage equals 7.5% with a winning rate of 127,992 equalling an extra 7,992.


Personally, I think I worked well with my group. We were able to work together and finish the assignment, but also had some hard times trying to finish the questions. I think we could work on letting everyone help out and cooperate. Overall we worked well with the majority helping out and doing the work.