Core Competency reflection
My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…
When collecting relevant information for a specific task, it’s essential to first define clear objectives. This means understanding the purpose of the task and identifying the key questions you need to answer. Like for all of our assignments around watching a video or an article, I’m able to identify the key idea. Next, it’s important to identify reliable sources. Sources, such as books from the library, videos provided by the teacher , or original research, provide direct insight into your task. Finally, formatting your work in an organized matter. Organizing work may seem like a tedious task but it helps me organize all my work into information that is readable for myself or the teacher. Doing these strategies ensure to get amazing information for assignments.
If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to…
If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to encourage open communication and active listening. It’s important to create an environment where everyone feels heard and understood, even if our opinions aren’t all the same . I would start by asking each person to express their perspective clearly so we can fully understand their perspective. I also find it helpful to find a common ground. Finding a common ground in group work assists with projects or in class discussions, I make sure that everyone’s voices are heard in the answer. When we don’t talk much, I try to keep the conversation focused on the task at hand, or initiate the conversation. I also encourage brainstorming potential solutions together, rather than everyone having a different answer.
One goal I have for myself is to…
Focus on my critical and reflective thinking core competency . To achieve this goal I will ask others to read over my work to make sure I’m doing the correct thing. I can also reach this goal by expanding my knowledge by researching through books and online sources. If I do all these things I’ll be able to reach my goal by the end of the semester.