Compare two brands

Marketing three points

-When someone puts money into a brand you got think before you act. That you wont lose out on your money you invested.

-There also different strategies to get different group of people to invest into your brand. By offering cheaper version of a membership. For example Spotify and apple offered cheaper member ships to students. The price for a usual customer is 12$ and for a student is 6$.

-Brands will always try to out do other brands. By offering different things to out do other brands. During research I found out that Apple music the user must pay to use the website. With Spotify they offer a free version on the platform.

Core Competences


Collaborated-Me and my partner put in equal work. That during the project one member does not do more then the other. This worked really well as both of us got a equal work load done. We got the project done much quicker because of that.


Positive Personnel and cultural identity-In the project me along with my group member. Gave are own personnel opinion to the business. Due to us both using the platform. Which led to us having a great connection.


Creative thinking-In the project I used my thinking skills to give my reader a good understanding of the two brands. Also gave my reader a way to also think about which brand they like the most. With equal points given about both brands.


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