Reporting reflection

I learned in my process for my first write up, to be prepared. What I mean by this is to come to class with a plan. That you know the steps it will take to complete the assignment you are task with. I did this in my own write by planning interview times. Along with that get to a location to get the photo of players in action.

Core Competency

Communication-My strategies for collecting relevant information was by asking the write questions. If I ask the write question that i need answered it will be relevant for my story and used in the final draft.

Collaboration-I show others I value there contribution by giving them credit in the story. Due to the fact if I don’t give credit to the people I interview. Its like it was all made up and cant be a trust worthy source if there is no credit.

Critical and Reflective thinking-I used to think Journalism was just writing and some does the photos for use and now I know I need to take time to do all the photos because I need them for my assignment. To create a more interesting and colorful story.

Creative thinking-A time I built off someone else Idea was for a photo. One of my friends gave me a idea of how to take the photos and when. Telling me to spam my phone to get as many as I can then look over them after. To be safe then sorry, after edit them which makes them look way better with changed lighting.


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