Reporting reflection

I learned in my process for my first write up, to be prepared. What I mean by this is to come to class with a plan. That you know the steps it will take to complete the assignment you are task with. I did this in my own write by planning interview times. Along with that get to a location to get the photo of players in action.

Core Competency

Communication-My strategies for collecting relevant information was by asking the write questions. If I ask the write question that i need answered it will be relevant for my story and used in the final draft.

Collaboration-I show others I value there contribution by giving them credit in the story. Due to the fact if I don’t give credit to the people I interview. Its like it was all made up and cant be a trust worthy source if there is no credit.

Critical and Reflective thinking-I used to think Journalism was just writing and some does the photos for use and now I know I need to take time to do all the photos because I need them for my assignment. To create a more interesting and colorful story.

Creative thinking-A time I built off someone else Idea was for a photo. One of my friends gave me a idea of how to take the photos and when. Telling me to spam my phone to get as many as I can then look over them after. To be safe then sorry, after edit them which makes them look way better with changed lighting.

Favorite Recipe

Breakfast Hash

Making and Sharing

Using food material to minimize waste. To make a Breakfast Hash I used variety of food. Foods that some people would not even use such as rutabaga. Most of the time people would not buy this food. It could go to waste. For this recipe rutabaga and many other vegetables. On top of that egg and bacon can be used in the recipe. Also, cheese to keep the food all together. How I used collaborative ability’s. Is by working with my partner. To dice and cut of vegetables that we want to enjoy with this recipe. To be able to try something new in the recipe I would not think of adding.

Core competency Reflection

Communication-How I ensure my partners understand the goal of the assignment. I would talk to my partners about what we wanted to add to the breakfast Hash. That we can all enjoy it with out there being something one of my partners does not enjoy. My partners and me would also talk during the process of making the hash that we all understands what we must do next to make the meal.

Collaboration-I know that my group is working together when we are talking. If i here talking and everyone is calmly saying i have finished dicing the vegetables what is next. I will understand that my partner is focused on the task at hand. That we are both on the same page

Boom or Bust Presentation Reflection

Communication-In the project I needed to communicate with my group. To know how I can contribute to the project. That the work is split evenly. Another way Communication was used was during the presenting part of the project. We had to speak to the class to show our understanding of the topic.

Thinking-For my part of the project, I had to think and do research on our group topic. Another way I used thinking, is while I was formating my slide. I had to make a slide that was interesting. That also had the Information that was needed for the project to be complete.

A Spanish Speaking Country


Comparison to Spain

Traditions In Spain they like to celebrate a day like Semana Santa. Where they celebrate christ. A similar thing to this in Canada could be Canada day. Where everyone celebrates the day Canada was made.

The sport that is most popular in Spain is Soccer. They have won many trophies for soccer and have become an all-time great country when it comes to soccer. With Canada, soccer is just taking off. With Canada having a very high chance to qualify for the world cup in 2024.

A landmark in Spain is the Seville Cathedral. It’s the largest Cathedral in the world. A landmark that is famous in Canada is the CN Tower. The tower is known for its shape, along with that it’s a rotating restaurant.

A famous singer in Spain is Elsa Pataky. Known for making music, also doing acting in the Fast in Furious. Along with that, she does a model. To Compare to her from a Canadian singer is Justin Bieber. He did singing and has made cameos in many movies.

Would I want to visit Spain? Yes, this is because it is a very beautiful and interesting Country. Full of great foods and stunning landmarks.


I communicated my info into a presentation. Full of the detailed picture. To help my audience better understand where Spain is also what there is in Spain. This is all done with my partner Lium. We each split the work and communicated in that way. To succeed in the project.

Me and my partner collaborated very well. We shared our ideas to help better understand Spain. That we did not make up fake information. This helped with improving and bettering the project.

For Personnel and Social. I understood my own personal and social responsibility. By working on the parts of the project that i needed to do. That I would not lower my partners mark.

The last Compentencie is thinking. I did this by thinking of a creative way to keep my audience interested during my presentation. By creating a presentation full of color and interesting facts.

Math 9 core competency

See the source image

Reflect on individually working on problems

My competency that reflects my individual work problems is Critical thinking.

-Topics or concepts for which I can offer detailed feedback or analysis include, while I was doing fractions. I would give a detailed step-by-step on how I got to my end answer.

– remain open-minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I ask questions. I approach the options someone gives to me to help solve math problems.

-I use evidence to make judgments or decisions as demonstrated in this from the question that we practice as a class. For example the class notes, i use the evidence from that to solve problems.

Contract Law Storyboard Reflection

For competencies I demonstrate there was Communicating and Thinking. The way I demonstrated Communicating, is by communicating my understanding of what I have learned. By putting in my project info in each slide in my storyboard. How I demonstrated Thinking, everything in my project I thought of and did my research. To make sure I had the right understanding of the project

Risks and Contract Law

What did you learn about risks and contracts today? 

A risk is something that can harm you. For example, getting in a car. You have a risk of getting in a crash. What a contract is something that can protect a person from if they do get into a car crash. A person can sigh a contract with a car insurance company, to have money to pay the damage on a car.

What core competencies did you demonstrate today?

I demonstrated thinking. This is because in my group, we had to think about what we wanted in the contract that was made. For another competencies it would be communication. After my group made the contract, we had to present are contract to another group. We had to communicate, what we think should be in the contract that was made.

Advertisement and Persuasion

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

My Item I am selling is called the Blinger. It used to make your boring shoes, to looking fresh and new. All you got to do is buy it for 40$. Steps to use it is to get an old pair of shoes. Insert them, customize them with color and shapes. Bling, a brand new fresh shoe”Endless fun”. For Persuasion techniques, I used during the presentation were stats, as I gave cost and savings. Symbols as I made a logo and slogan “Endless fun”. Another technique is straightforward. The poster I made I straight forward. Is full of info about the product. For the last one is eye appeal. My poster is full of color to attract anyone from anywhere.​ For Ad techniques I used repetition. During the presentation, I repeated a lot, about why the Blinger is the best and why you should buy it.

Core Competency Reflection

The competency I did the best at was thinking, as I displayed a very thoughtful idea. That made my item and persuasion style different. Making my project more engaging for my viewers. For my last competency, I did best was Communication. I gave a clear project with very detailed info all around the project. During the presentation, I had a clear voice that everyone was able to understand, my item and why you should buy it. Things I can improve on are Social. During the project, I worked alone, if I had a partner I could have made an even better project.