Reporting reflection

I learned in my process for my first write up, to be prepared. What I mean by this is to come to class with a plan. That you know the steps it will take to complete the assignment you are task with. I did this in my own write by planning interview times. Along with that get to a location to get the photo of players in action.

Core Competency

Communication-My strategies for collecting relevant information was by asking the write questions. If I ask the write question that i need answered it will be relevant for my story and used in the final draft.

Collaboration-I show others I value there contribution by giving them credit in the story. Due to the fact if I don’t give credit to the people I interview. Its like it was all made up and cant be a trust worthy source if there is no credit.

Critical and Reflective thinking-I used to think Journalism was just writing and some does the photos for use and now I know I need to take time to do all the photos because I need them for my assignment. To create a more interesting and colorful story.

Creative thinking-A time I built off someone else Idea was for a photo. One of my friends gave me a idea of how to take the photos and when. Telling me to spam my phone to get as many as I can then look over them after. To be safe then sorry, after edit them which makes them look way better with changed lighting.

Transforming Parabolas

In the creation of my graph I had to use the equation a(x-h)^2+k. The key parts to that equitation that change the parabola is a ,h , and k. A creates the width to the parabola or can make it narrow depending on the number. Parabola 2 and 4 I made the second one with width while four is more narrow due to the number in front of the bracket. H in the equation just shift the parabola side to side, to create a vertex known as the starting point to a parabola. Lastly is K creating a shift from up to down. If its positive it starts positive and if it negative the parabola starts negative. Each graph equation all in end to be able to find the vertex(starting point). Domain an range on top of that the intercept of x and y.

In the edublog are ways I demonstrated my understanding on the topic. To create each parabola I had to make five unique equation for each question set tasks. Showing my ideas in multiple ways by altering each equation by using the equation a(x-h)^2+k. While using vocab words known mainly in this unit. The parabola is u shaped curve which is symmetrical on each side. The starting point to each parabola is a vertex then expands or becomes narrow. With that you can also find the domain which is usually all real number if the parabola never ends. In a pair is also range being the y value of a vertex, if the vertex is 2,0 then the range is 0. To create all of the graph to be better organized I changed each color. For each parabola to stand out clearly. One more thing I did is zoom in to the parabola to see each one in its own way.

Life Saving Measures

Three takeaways I have learned from the presentation, being aware. Always understand what is around you when you are around people under the influence of a substance. Another takeaway is if you are unsure of what is going on just call 911. Better to be safe than sorry. Last thing learned was to be responsible when and if you use alcohol or drugs, if you can’t be don’t do it at all. All of these lessons and many others I learned during the presentation will be kept in my mind for future. Due to the fact using alcohol and drugs could end up killing someone so if I or other people around me don’t know what to do when something bad happens. It can be a very dramatic moment for all on the scene.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. 

To be able to save a life I must see think and do while everything is going on in the moment. With what I learned from the presentation especially understanding how to do CPR. I believe I can be a help in saving someone life and then letting 911 do the rest.

Chapter 1 Edublog


During the units of learned so much about what pre cal has to offer. The unit I understand most has to be decomposition. For me it is very easy and I am comfortable doing it with any kind of difficulty. Hardest part of the chapter is 1.6. I understand the simple question but once I get to more of the advanced ones I struggle. Practicing that more before the test would really benefit me. The more I study for a hour each day helps a lot then me not studying at all. In that hour I review question I have done already and the ones I need to be able to do better. To perform at my best for the next unit test I need to start study everything I don’t get. That I have an equal understanding of everything in the unit. I have already completed the assigned work book question that means I can go right ahead and study with no work left.“I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning and behavior”. What this quote means I can get threw the challenges this course will hit me with. When that happens I will try my up most best to persevere to get the job done and not give up.