Life Saving Measures

Three takeaways I have learned from the presentation, being aware. Always understand what is around you when you are around people under the influence of a substance. Another takeaway is if you are unsure of what is going on just call 911. Better to be safe than sorry. Last thing learned was to be responsible when and if you use alcohol or drugs, if you can’t be don’t do it at all. All of these lessons and many others I learned during the presentation will be kept in my mind for future. Due to the fact using alcohol and drugs could end up killing someone so if I or other people around me don’t know what to do when something bad happens. It can be a very dramatic moment for all on the scene.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. 

To be able to save a life I must see think and do while everything is going on in the moment. With what I learned from the presentation especially understanding how to do CPR. I believe I can be a help in saving someone life and then letting 911 do the rest.