BCFP 12 competencies

My overall experience with learning First people 12. The course had me using my three-core main competencies. During the semester I was tasked with doing assignments needing me to communicate my understanding on chapter for every unit. In assignments like journals i am always communicating my opinion on a topic consistently. Topic such as First nations voices, presentations, and reflecting on a question. This helps me go deeper into my thoughts and all together deepen my way of communicating. My next competencies are Thinking. All through the semester I had to problem solve to find information on topics. Another time I used my thinking competencies I believe the most was when working in groups during the semester. In every group we had to answer the following set of questions as a group we each read and relayed the information to each other. That we can write on the board and present to help everyone in the class gain knowledge of our subject. In the end we can all understand our task more. The last competencies are personal and social, in the classroom, and this also applies to the school. I needed to provide a safe workplace for everyone around me. To do this, I tried to be quiet and respectful to my peers. Additionally in class discussions everyone is given an equal chance to show their work to the class. That they don’t feel left out in the session cause if they are. Students will never know or understand what they are doing. So, it’s better to listen to one and other if someone doesn’t understand something. Me or a peer can guide them in a direction to know what they are doing. All three of these competencies are a staple in the school system for a reason. They’re very crucial and how was are as humans. When we graduate, we can think, communicate, and have a good personal and social presence. To live to all full potential because that is what its all about in the end. 

Math Self Assessment

What is your strength in group work? How do you use this to actively contribute during group work activities?

My strength in group work is telling other how I got to certain points of a question. To better help there understanding of the equation. Along with that I am good at listening and following along with what members of my group want to say. That they can get there idea out better.

How do you prepare for a test? Does this seem to work for you? Are there changes you need to make to ensure your are successful?

I prepare for test by reviewing over question. I do that over and over to know that concept better. Changes gonna make to get help from a peer tutor. That if I need help I can get it right away. That I can get the questions done.

Favorite Recipe

Breakfast Hash

Making and Sharing

Using food material to minimize waste. To make a Breakfast Hash I used variety of food. Foods that some people would not even use such as rutabaga. Most of the time people would not buy this food. It could go to waste. For this recipe rutabaga and many other vegetables. On top of that egg and bacon can be used in the recipe. Also, cheese to keep the food all together. How I used collaborative ability’s. Is by working with my partner. To dice and cut of vegetables that we want to enjoy with this recipe. To be able to try something new in the recipe I would not think of adding.

Core competency Reflection

Communication-How I ensure my partners understand the goal of the assignment. I would talk to my partners about what we wanted to add to the breakfast Hash. That we can all enjoy it with out there being something one of my partners does not enjoy. My partners and me would also talk during the process of making the hash that we all understands what we must do next to make the meal.

Collaboration-I know that my group is working together when we are talking. If i here talking and everyone is calmly saying i have finished dicing the vegetables what is next. I will understand that my partner is focused on the task at hand. That we are both on the same page

Social 10 Core competency Edu blog Reflection

Critical reflective thinking


The role of a citizen in Canada basically a citizen in the world, is to show kindness to one and other. By treating everyone with respect and honesty. To not put people down in anyways. That they feel less then them selves. Lastly to support one in other. If someone is struggling, don’t just watch. Help a person in need of help.

I can tell the difference of opinion and fact. The difference is a opinion is someone else perspective. It is what they think of something. Such as a persons opinion on a song may differ by another persons opinion of the song. A fact is something that cant be changed by opinion. Such has the earth being round or vegetables be healthy. Those are just things that cant be change by someone opinion

Acid base lab reflection


I can represent my learning to who want to. In the assignment I worked with a partner, to make sure we both understood the assignment. I communicated on the steps on how to make the lab possible. For example, I would tell the steps to what to put into the spot plate wells to my partner. Then he would perform the steps. During the lab we switch so that my partner also communicated the steps to me. In the end we both used how communication to complete the assignment.

Core Competency goals

One of the ways i ensure my is clear on a common purpose-I always will talk to my group member, to make sure if there ok. Along with that I will ask them if need help with the work they are doing. That as a group we all succeed.

An example of something that I have spent a long time learning about-It would have to be any new concepts a teacher gives me. Such math, science, social etc. Due to most of my classes I learn something new. The most time I have spent on learning something would be math. During the semester I am always getting new math concepts to learn. In class I stay focuses and ask question if i don’t understand what I am learning.

What helps get new ideas-Working with my peers, helps me gain a new perspective. On a topic I am learning. Sometimes i will be in a sole assignment. Ways I get idea alone is just by using what I already know. To make it into a clear idea that me and my peers will understand. That I maybe can further my idea in the future

Core competency Self assessment


I listen and talked to my group members. In the assignment my group communicated where we wanted to take the photos. Also how we should take the pictures. I learned that by taking picture of certain areas. My group understood what the assignment was and how it was done. I can apply communication as I will need to communicate to people, in a every day life situation. This is a important skill as in the future I will need to apply for jobs and be in a work environment. With other people so I will need to communicate with them to know what to do.

Compare two brands

Marketing three points

-When someone puts money into a brand you got think before you act. That you wont lose out on your money you invested.

-There also different strategies to get different group of people to invest into your brand. By offering cheaper version of a membership. For example Spotify and apple offered cheaper member ships to students. The price for a usual customer is 12$ and for a student is 6$.

-Brands will always try to out do other brands. By offering different things to out do other brands. During research I found out that Apple music the user must pay to use the website. With Spotify they offer a free version on the platform.

Core Competences


Collaborated-Me and my partner put in equal work. That during the project one member does not do more then the other. This worked really well as both of us got a equal work load done. We got the project done much quicker because of that.


Positive Personnel and cultural identity-In the project me along with my group member. Gave are own personnel opinion to the business. Due to us both using the platform. Which led to us having a great connection.


Creative thinking-In the project I used my thinking skills to give my reader a good understanding of the two brands. Also gave my reader a way to also think about which brand they like the most. With equal points given about both brands.