Me Card

My Me Card reflected what the most important things in life are to me, as well as what I strive to be in the future.


In my passions section I put everything that I like, and enjoy doing and thinking about on my extra time. I like hockey and football because they are 2 sports that I enjoy putting work and time in for. I like video games, because they are fun to do whenever I don’t have anything important to do. I care about my grades, because I want to attend a university after high school, as well as make my parents proud of me. I also am passionate about money, because the more time I spend thinking about money, the more ways I will know how to make it. I like to work on cars, because they make me feel satisfied when I am done and it works good.


For my future I put my license, because it is something that I am looking forward to, that is not that far ahead in my future. I also plan to invest when I am older, and mostly in real estate, and property. I want to work towards owning a large house as well as some luxurious cars, because I know that those are what show my success. I also have an unusual interest in watches, because I find them to be another luxury item that you can own.


My values were all things that I hold closest to my heart, and always make sure that they are never forgotten about. I chose family because I owe everything I have and will have to them, because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I chose health, because maintaining good health can help me live a longer and happier life when I am older. I like helping others, because I enjoy helping other people who need it.


My skills are all things that I am good at. I chose science, because I have a very good understanding of chemistry, and hope to pursue it in university. I also chose my Academics, because I am able to maintain good report cards, and marks in school. I chose hockey because I am a good goalie, and can be counted on. I decide to add the gym, not because I am crazy strong but because I have the commitment to go on a consistent schedule, for a certain amount of time.


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