About Me

I’m Arjun and I am 14 years old. Some things that I like to do are go and ride my A.T.V with my dad, my favorite place to go is Stave lake mud flats because you can spend the day there and it never gets old because there is always a new area to ride on. I play some video games and mostly play my Call of duty’s. I also like to go boating each summer and tubing is probably the best part. I also play ice and ball hockey and watch football and hockey.

I chose this image because it shows one of my favorite hobbies to do and it never becomes boring.

My favorite website

My favorite website is google because it is the entire internet and has every website you could ask for. Google is very helpful and has all the worlds information all one site.


My favorite quote

In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. -Abraham Lincoln

I like this quote because it is very true and is something that you can live by.

My favorite video

I like this video because it teaches you to respect other people and that everyone deserves a second chance even when they make a mistake.

Inspirational picture

My inspirational picture is Kermit the frog because he is the coolest Muppet out of them all.

Works cited

Free Photo: Quad, Atv, Bike, Sport, Riding, Jump, Sand | Hippopx. https://www.hippopx.com/en/quad-atv-bike-sport-riding-jump-sand-149118. Accessed 16 Sept. 2021.

How a High School Coach Changed Dwayne Johnson’s Life | Oprah’s Master Class | Oprah Winfrey Network. www.youtube.com, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8D2eTmHG4I. Accessed 27 Sept. 2021.

“Kermit the Frog.” IMDb, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1463454/. Accessed 29 Sept. 2021.

“PictureQuotes.Com.” PictureQuotes.Com, http://www.picturequotes.com/in-the-end-its-not-the-years-in-your-life-that-count-its-the-life-in-your-years-quote-9540. Accessed 27 Sept. 2021.


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