Category Archives: Core Competencies

Economic theory 12 reflection

Semester Reflection

This semester, I completed an independent inquiry project that looked into the cause for BC’s high housing prices. I looked into multiple factors that caused housing prices to skyrocket as well as the potential future economic impacts they could have on BC’s economy. Lots of the information revolved around the greater Vancouver area as that is an area where prices are especially high. The most interesting parts about this project were how the high prices could impact the economy in the future. For example, the increased prices, mixed with the high cost of living, resulted in BC losing lots of families and young workers. This would cause our workforce to have a shortage as there will not be enough new workers entering the workforce to replace the workers leaving. This would force the price of skilled labor (plumbers, electricians etc.) to charge more for their services due to supply and demand and ultimately force the price of new houses to be more expensive. Another interesting part was how even though housing prices went up, there was not a significant decline in the amount of homes purchased. This breaks the law of demand because it states that when price goes up, demand goes down.

This topic matters today because housing is something that will always be needed, and being able to identify the causes and effects of high housing prices can help us prevent this from happening again and allow us to make a more educated decision when purchasing a house. I gather and synthesize information to develop logical conclusions, such as when I was able to identify the connection between people leaving BC for other provinces and the increased cost of living in BC. I came to this conclusion because people would want to live an area where their money gets them more house to live in.

McElroy, Justin. “B.C. Housing Experts Cautious on Whether Campaign Policies Will Change Affordability Crisis.” CBC, 3 Sept. 2021,

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Comprehend and Connect: I learned about how the residential schools and violence against indigenous people in the past has affected them up to this day and I learned about how the indigenous people see their land and how they survive using ingredients from the land that they live on. During this assignment I learned how to take a conflict from a novel, an event from the past and connect it with a current event in the world. This will be used towards truth and reconciliation because it helped me to see how indigenous peoples are still grappling with the affects of residential schools and how they are trying to stop the inter-generational trauma.

Core Competencies Reflection

We used collaboration during this assignment because during the creation of the PowerPoint, we had team members who were away and we had to make sure that everyone’s jobs were done, so that the PowerPoint was successful. I think that for next time we should try and spend more time in class as a group so that there is less confusion between what has to be done, and we can all spend time revising, editing and finalizing the PowerPoint.

Math Self Assessment

Being disciplined in math means doing your homework, and getting help when you need, because when you do your homework or ask for help there are hundreds of easier things that you could have done that would be much more enjoyable than math. Being disciplined in math also includes doing your in class work. During group work I usually spend the time trying to understand what my group mates are doing, so that I make sure I understand the concept of what we are learning because I am no help to myself or my group when I don’t know what I am doing and I am setting myself up for failure if I don’t understand what we are learning.

Hunger Games Novel Study Reflection

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are my video editing skills, because I had to refresh, as well as learn new skills in the FCPX software, which included green screening and moving/distorting images and videos. I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration because group work was when we were all brainstorming ideas for the movie trailer, and put them together when we were done, while collaboration was when we were all recording, and working together to make the scenes work out the way we wanted. Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include thinking whether or not we are all doing an even amount of work. This is important to me because it makes sure that everyone feels values and helped in our group, and ensures that everybody’s mark is earned.

Core Competency Reflection


This assignment required me and my partners to write a Spanish conversation that followed a criteria, and used our vocabulary from that unit, as well as previous units. We needed to present our presentation in a proper tone of voice that could be heard by the entire class, while still being easy to understand, by speaking clearly.


Our group had to work together on this conversation, even though we were doing it at home as well. This required us to ensure that what we were doing made sense, and made sense with what we already had written. This conversation also required us to help each other, because we all had weaknesses in certain parts of Spanish.


When we did this assignment, it took lots of effort to think of a topic that we could use that would maximize our use of the Spanish vocabulary without over challenging ourselves and using google translate, which would ruin the flow and quality of the conversation. We also needed to think about how our conversation would sound in front of our teacher and the class, because if we used words that we didn’t know our conversation would have been poorly done.

Science 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

The alternative energy project made us use communication and collaboration, because we only had 2 class days to complete it, which required all of us to work efficiently, by doing research and summarizing it onto the poster. We had to all work together to cover different points on the poster in order to complete the poster. I learned that that tidal energy is very hard to harness as it requires very specific locations. When we presented the poster we needed to ensure that everybody presented evenly and everybody was ok with the amount/what they were presenting. If I were to improve on one thing, it would be that we practice presenting our poster, because we were not presenting to the best of our groups ability.

Commons:upload. Wikimedia Commons. (n.d.). Retrieved January 3, 2023, from

Metal 9

My favourite project

This is my Metal rose.

Some of the most important things I learned was safety, and the proper way to operate machines and tools, not only to keep myself safe, but to also prevent the machine from being damaged. I also learned very useful skills such as welding, with both oxy-acetylene, and mig welding. I also learned different strategies on how to do projects, by getting help from others.

PHE 9 AH Reflection

My Feeling Emoji

I feel normal because usually my day is uneventful and is the same every day.

Health and Wellness Core Competency Reflection

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include playing sports year round, eating healthier, and working out on the days that I have nothing. Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include taking breaks when I need them so I don’t burn myself out, and I try to work on my assignments over a few days rather than one night. When I am sad, angry or frustrated, doing things that I have fun doing help me be more productive or calm. This is because these things get my mind off of my work and let me reset. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I have something to eat so that I have some energy in me and that usually is what I need.

Works Cited, Wikimedia Commons,