This year I think that Science went well for me because I was able to be confident in my abilities and understanding of what we were learning. Science also helped me find an interest in a subject that I would be willing to pursue in university.
I think my main area for improvement is math, because I struggled with the concepts even though I did my homework. I think this comes down to my ability to comprehend a different teaching style as this was the first time I have been taught using the whiteboards.
Being disciplined in math means doing your homework, and getting help when you need, because when you do your homework or ask for help there are hundreds of easier things that you could have done that would be much more enjoyable than math. Being disciplined in math also includes doing your in class work. During group work I usually spend the time trying to understand what my group mates are doing, so that I make sure I understand the concept of what we are learning because I am no help to myself or my group when I don’t know what I am doing and I am setting myself up for failure if I don’t understand what we are learning.
Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are my video editing skills, because I had to refresh, as well as learn new skills in the FCPX software, which included green screening and moving/distorting images and videos. I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration because group work was when we were all brainstorming ideas for the movie trailer, and put them together when we were done, while collaboration was when we were all recording, and working together to make the scenes work out the way we wanted. Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include thinking whether or not we are all doing an even amount of work. This is important to me because it makes sure that everyone feels values and helped in our group, and ensures that everybody’s mark is earned.
This assignment required me and my partners to write a Spanish conversation that followed a criteria, and used our vocabulary from that unit, as well as previous units. We needed to present our presentation in a proper tone of voice that could be heard by the entire class, while still being easy to understand, by speaking clearly.
Our group had to work together on this conversation, even though we were doing it at home as well. This required us to ensure that what we were doing made sense, and made sense with what we already had written. This conversation also required us to help each other, because we all had weaknesses in certain parts of Spanish.
When we did this assignment, it took lots of effort to think of a topic that we could use that would maximize our use of the Spanish vocabulary without over challenging ourselves and using google translate, which would ruin the flow and quality of the conversation. We also needed to think about how our conversation would sound in front of our teacher and the class, because if we used words that we didn’t know our conversation would have been poorly done.
One thing I learned was how to safely and properly use an AED in the event that I ever need to use one. My key takeaway from this unit was how much your eating and lifestyle habits affect your chances of having a serious cardiac episode, as well as the benefits of daily exercise throughout your entire life. This unit connects to the nutrition unit because both of them emphasized the effects of red meats, and how it is linked to heart problems down the road.
Core Competency Reflection
I can describe how learning about CPR relates to my life because in the event that I ever see someone having a cardiac episode I have the ability to help them until first responders arrive. I also am more conscious about how the foods I eat can affect my health when I become older. One lesson that stimulated my thinking about the importance of CPR was learning about how quickly a person can sustain major internal damage without some kind of blood circulating through their body. Another lesson that showed me the importance of CPR, was being assertive during an incident in order to keep a person alive. I appreciated feedback on my CPR knowledge and skills when it came in the form of constructive criticism, because it lets me know that I did something right, but if I do something wrong it can be detrimental to the objective of CPR.
The alternative energy project made us use communication and collaboration, because we only had 2 class days to complete it, which required all of us to work efficiently, by doing research and summarizing it onto the poster. We had to all work together to cover different points on the poster in order to complete the poster. I learned that that tidal energy is very hard to harness as it requires very specific locations. When we presented the poster we needed to ensure that everybody presented evenly and everybody was ok with the amount/what they were presenting. If I were to improve on one thing, it would be that we practice presenting our poster, because we were not presenting to the best of our groups ability.
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