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My Parabola

My Equation was: y=-2(x-6) 2 +1 [This is in vertex form: y=a(x-h) 2 +k] The Parent Function was: Y=x2

Significance of “A” “H” and “K”

“A” is significant to my parabola because it determines which way my parabola will open up. Because my “A” value is -2, my parabola opens downwards as oppose to a positive “A” value which would open upwards. The “A” value also affects the vertical shape of the parabola (how stretched or shrunk it is). If “A” is between -1 and 1, the parabola is stretched. If “A” is less than -1 or greater than 1 the parabola is compressed. In my parabola, the “A” value causes the parabola to be compressed because A=2. This means that my parabola is compressed.

“H” represent the horizontal shift in my graph from X=0. In the case of my parabola, the “H” value of 6 has caused the parabolas vertex to move six times to the right (in the positive “x” direction).

“K” represents the vertical shift in my graph from y=0. My equation has a “x” value of 1 which means it moves up once into the positive “y” direction

The “H” and “K” values are the coordinates for the vertex on my parabola.

Self Assessment

I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways by showing the effects of the “H” and “K” values and then made the connection that those values are the coordinates for the vertex of my parabola. This helped me significantly increase my understanding of the relation between equations in vertex form and parabolas on a graph.

I used mathematical vocabulary to show my understanding when I used the positive/negative “x” and “y” directions to help show my understanding of the equation values to the graph.

I used formatting to display my graph, parabola, parent function and equation in a neat and easy to follow image that clearly shows which equation belongs to which graph. I also utilized brackets and quotation marks to ensure that all of my equations and variables are not mixed into my writing in a way that could confuse a reader.

Titrations Lab-Chemistry 11

Curricular Competency Explanation

A titration is the adding of a known substance to another known substance in order to create a desired concentration. In this lab a titration was used to add sodium hydroxide in order to neutralize hydrochloric acid. The endpoint of a titration is when you reach a desired concentration of the liquid in question. In this lab we knew that we reached the endpoint of our titration when the hydrochloric acid had a light link tint from the phenolphthalein. When we achieved this pink tint we knew that the hydrochloric acid was neutralized which was the objective of this lab.

Core Competency Reflection

In our lab we had to communicate in an effective way in order to get the lab done on time. This is because there were lots of instructions and specific processes that we had to follow in order to achieve an accurate result. Throughout the lab we had to communicate because there were lots of items needed in order for the lab to take place this included a ring stand, Erlenmeyer flask, 3 beakers, paper towels, butterfly clamp, pippette and a burette. Communication was key in order to ensure that we were able to grab these items in an efficient and timely manner. We also had to communicate well in order to perform the lab procedures, because we had to know which chemical was in each container so that there were no mistakes that could compromise the lab. We also had to communicate which steps we had performed and the measurements we got in order to make sure that we were on the same page and had the same results as each other.

Math Self Assessment

Being disciplined in math means doing your homework, and getting help when you need, because when you do your homework or ask for help there are hundreds of easier things that you could have done that would be much more enjoyable than math. Being disciplined in math also includes doing your in class work. During group work I usually spend the time trying to understand what my group mates are doing, so that I make sure I understand the concept of what we are learning because I am no help to myself or my group when I don’t know what I am doing and I am setting myself up for failure if I don’t understand what we are learning.

Me Card

My Me Card reflected what the most important things in life are to me, as well as what I strive to be in the future.


In my passions section I put everything that I like, and enjoy doing and thinking about on my extra time. I like hockey and football because they are 2 sports that I enjoy putting work and time in for. I like video games, because they are fun to do whenever I don’t have anything important to do. I care about my grades, because I want to attend a university after high school, as well as make my parents proud of me. I also am passionate about money, because the more time I spend thinking about money, the more ways I will know how to make it. I like to work on cars, because they make me feel satisfied when I am done and it works good.


For my future I put my license, because it is something that I am looking forward to, that is not that far ahead in my future. I also plan to invest when I am older, and mostly in real estate, and property. I want to work towards owning a large house as well as some luxurious cars, because I know that those are what show my success. I also have an unusual interest in watches, because I find them to be another luxury item that you can own.


My values were all things that I hold closest to my heart, and always make sure that they are never forgotten about. I chose family because I owe everything I have and will have to them, because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I chose health, because maintaining good health can help me live a longer and happier life when I am older. I like helping others, because I enjoy helping other people who need it.


My skills are all things that I am good at. I chose science, because I have a very good understanding of chemistry, and hope to pursue it in university. I also chose my Academics, because I am able to maintain good report cards, and marks in school. I chose hockey because I am a good goalie, and can be counted on. I decide to add the gym, not because I am crazy strong but because I have the commitment to go on a consistent schedule, for a certain amount of time.

CPR Reflection

My learning of CPR

Rama. English:  CPR Training. 30 Jan. 2008. Own work, Wikimedia Commons,

CPR reflection

One thing I learned was how to safely and properly use an AED in the event that I ever need to use one. My key takeaway from this unit was how much your eating and lifestyle habits affect your chances of having a serious cardiac episode, as well as the benefits of daily exercise throughout your entire life. This unit connects to the nutrition unit because both of them emphasized the effects of red meats, and how it is linked to heart problems down the road.

Core Competency Reflection

I can describe how learning about CPR relates to my life because in the event that I ever see someone having a cardiac episode I have the ability to help them until first responders arrive. I also am more conscious about how the foods I eat can affect my health when I become older. One lesson that stimulated my thinking about the importance of CPR was learning about how quickly a person can sustain major internal damage without some kind of blood circulating through their body. Another lesson that showed me the importance of CPR, was being assertive during an incident in order to keep a person alive. I appreciated feedback on my CPR knowledge and skills when it came in the form of constructive criticism, because it lets me know that I did something right, but if I do something wrong it can be detrimental to the objective of CPR.

John Henderson talk reflection

To me the main thing that stood out was that these children had a powder put all over them, and then they were burnt with lighters. This stood out to me because not only is it cruel, but it is also something new that I have learned about the abuse in residential schools. What also stood out to me was when John Henderson mentioned that all the history books about Canada mentions that it was discovered by the Europeans, when the indigenous peoples had already settled here, and the Europeans found Canada but did not discover it. I was also surprised to learn that the indigenous peoples had helped the discovery people when their ships got stuck, and whenever they got lost. John had also made a very true point that I never appreciated until he mentioned it, and it was that I can roam the school freely, I get the privilege to choose what I learn. But the one thing that had the biggest effect on me was that if someone came and took me from my home/school there would be outrage and the police would be there right away, while children who were taken to residential schools were forced by the government, and if anyone tried to free the children they would go to jail. The line that Joe said that made me feel the effect of residential schools was when he said, “kill the Indian in the children.” 

One connection I made between John Henderson’s talk and Rita Joe’s poem, was that one of the first things that happened was the children were taught English, and had their traditional language stripped from them.  

Core Competency Goals

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include looking on several different websites to ensure that the information that I am using is legitimate and is not fake. When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I take a step back, and take a brain break because is I am frustrated, or annoyed with the work I am not productive, and taking a step back will eliminate those feelings, in order to help calm myself and become as productive as possible. If I notice that my group is not getting any work done, that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by asking the teacher or peer tutor to help us gain some ideas, and correct any mistakes that we may have made.

Advertisement and persuasion

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

Our product is Chocky milk and it helps you build muscle at an unnatural rate. It does that by having lots of creatine and protein and may have steroids in it. It is to show other companies the competition and innovations we are bringing to the market. We used what physique many people want in our advertisement to show that our product can help them reach their goals without the continuous dedication of going to the gym everyday. Our product is also meant to not only make you look better but allow you to perform better as well. This product does still require you to workout at a somewhat normal rate but a lot less than without this product.

Core Competency Reflection

After this project I can now identify and understand the ways all the different types of advertisements make you think. I can also now understand how all the different advertising techniques affect what you think of the product. This project also has shown me what the thinking is behind the companies when they create an advertisement for us to see. I also now know how companies make you believe that their product is the best compared to their competitor. This project also showed that their are many different types of approaches to advertisements in order for you to pay attention to them.

About Me

I’m Arjun and I am 14 years old. Some things that I like to do are go and ride my A.T.V with my dad, my favorite place to go is Stave lake mud flats because you can spend the day there and it never gets old because there is always a new area to ride on. I play some video games and mostly play my Call of duty’s. I also like to go boating each summer and tubing is probably the best part. I also play ice and ball hockey and watch football and hockey.

I chose this image because it shows one of my favorite hobbies to do and it never becomes boring.

My favorite website

My favorite website is google because it is the entire internet and has every website you could ask for. Google is very helpful and has all the worlds information all one site.

My favorite quote

In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. -Abraham Lincoln

I like this quote because it is very true and is something that you can live by.

My favorite video

I like this video because it teaches you to respect other people and that everyone deserves a second chance even when they make a mistake.

Inspirational picture

My inspirational picture is Kermit the frog because he is the coolest Muppet out of them all.

Works cited

Free Photo: Quad, Atv, Bike, Sport, Riding, Jump, Sand | Hippopx. Accessed 16 Sept. 2021.

How a High School Coach Changed Dwayne Johnson’s Life | Oprah’s Master Class | Oprah Winfrey Network., Accessed 27 Sept. 2021.

“Kermit the Frog.” IMDb, Accessed 29 Sept. 2021.

“PictureQuotes.Com.” PictureQuotes.Com, Accessed 27 Sept. 2021.