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CPR Reflection

My learning of CPR

Rama. English:  CPR Training. 30 Jan. 2008. Own work, Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CPR_training-05.jpg

CPR reflection

One thing I learned was how to safely and properly use an AED in the event that I ever need to use one. My key takeaway from this unit was how much your eating and lifestyle habits affect your chances of having a serious cardiac episode, as well as the benefits of daily exercise throughout your entire life. This unit connects to the nutrition unit because both of them emphasized the effects of red meats, and how it is linked to heart problems down the road.

Core Competency Reflection

I can describe how learning about CPR relates to my life because in the event that I ever see someone having a cardiac episode I have the ability to help them until first responders arrive. I also am more conscious about how the foods I eat can affect my health when I become older. One lesson that stimulated my thinking about the importance of CPR was learning about how quickly a person can sustain major internal damage without some kind of blood circulating through their body. Another lesson that showed me the importance of CPR, was being assertive during an incident in order to keep a person alive. I appreciated feedback on my CPR knowledge and skills when it came in the form of constructive criticism, because it lets me know that I did something right, but if I do something wrong it can be detrimental to the objective of CPR.