The alternative energy project made us use communication and collaboration, because we only had 2 class days to complete it, which required all of us to work efficiently, by doing research and summarizing it onto the poster. We had to all work together to cover different points on the poster in order to complete the poster. I learned that that tidal energy is very hard to harness as it requires very specific locations. When we presented the poster we needed to ensure that everybody presented evenly and everybody was ok with the amount/what they were presenting. If I were to improve on one thing, it would be that we practice presenting our poster, because we were not presenting to the best of our groups ability.
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Examples if where I communicate clearly and purposely can be seen when I do the whiteboard work with a partner because I have to work effectively with a partner that the teacher assigns in order to be able to move on. This also helped me learn new ways how to do the math because I am learning other ways to do math when I work with a partner. In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking questions of something doesn’t make sense. The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate at my sports because at school I am here to learn and get an education, while at my sports I am there to perform better, and in order to win I need to give my teammates feedback and info about other teams and players.
(“Empty Whiteboard with Marker Pens and Magnets. Business Presentation…”)