Tag Archives: #MealPlanMath

Meal Planning Assignment

Problem:  This family of 4 needs a schedule and a plan for their dinner this week. As a group, we need to figure out who and what each person will make and when they will make it. We must think about their cooking skills, free time, cooking time, and when the whole family is at home. We also need to think about what meals will keep them full for any activities they have after.  


 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Recipe  Grilled Cheese    Vegetable Pad Thai  Chicken Noodle Soup Black Bean Tacos  Spaghetti 
Portion of Recipe  4x the recipe    1x the recipe   1x the recipe  1x the recipe   1x the recipe  
Cook  Teen 2   Parent A Teen 1  Parent B  Teen 1&2 
Dinner Time  7:00pm   6:30pm Start cooking 4:00pm Eating 5:30pm Start cooking: 6:00 Eating: 6:15  6:30pm 


Monday- Teen 2 cooks Monday because that’s when they have the most free time when everyone else is more busy. They made grilled cheese sandwiches because its easy, and they don’t have much cooking experience.  

Tuesday – Parent A is cooking because they have free time and a good cooking experience to make experienced food recipe. The Vegetable Thai Pad is a filling meal and has good nutrients for things such as sports. For teen 2 for example, it can be used for tomorrow’s lunch or breakfast, as leftovers 

Wednesday – Teen 1 is cooking tonight because they wanted to help her parents and make dinner before she needed to leave for an activity. They chose to do chicken noodle soup because it’s a filling meal and there can be some left over.  

Thursday – Parent B cooks because it is there turn to cook. They made black bean tacos because they parent B has an activity at 7:30 and this is one of the easiest and quickest meals available.   

Friday- Teen 1 & 2 are cooking together because they have a lot of free time that day. They are making spaghetti because it is a quick and simple meal that they can both cook that the whole family can enjoy. 


Italian spaghetti and meatballs. Allrecipes. Retrieved March 11, 2022, from https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/21353/italian-spaghetti-sauce-with-meatballs/ 

Collaboration Reflection

Our group shared information by making a plan at the beginning of the assignment and decided what everyone was going to do, and how our group would divide up.

Our group used technology to create the entire project, except for when we wrote in our own versions of the project. The technology helped because it was less time consuming, but if we didn’t have a laptop/tablet then it was very hard to get anything done.

We distributed our tasks by splitting our group into two groups so that we all could get help from a partner. We assigned each group a parent, and a kid, as well as a day to solve for. From there is was each partnership that would decide what they would do.

I did the chart for Thursday, as well as the justification for Thursday which is below the solution chart.

Self Assessment: Collaboration and Critical Thinking

Some things I thought about before dividing up the tasks between our group was how can we all do our fair share of work without any excessive repetition.

I knew the group was working well when we get to work and I could see work being done by everybody on the word document, and nobody was finding any major issues with our system that was in place.

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work because when I see the criteria, and I know what I have to do in order to get a certain mark.

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches like when I read Ms. Lam’s feedback and made the necessary corrections, and noticed why I needed to make that revision and how it made my project look better.