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English First Peoples 11 Reflection

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Comprehend and Connect: I learned about how the residential schools and violence against indigenous people in the past has affected them up to this day and I learned about how the indigenous people see their land and how they survive using ingredients from the land that they live on. During this assignment I learned how to take a conflict from a novel, an event from the past and connect it with a current event in the world. This will be used towards truth and reconciliation because it helped me to see how indigenous peoples are still grappling with the affects of residential schools and how they are trying to stop the inter-generational trauma.

Core Competencies Reflection

We used collaboration during this assignment because during the creation of the PowerPoint, we had team members who were away and we had to make sure that everyone’s jobs were done, so that the PowerPoint was successful. I think that for next time we should try and spend more time in class as a group so that there is less confusion between what has to be done, and we can all spend time revising, editing and finalizing the PowerPoint.

Math Self Assessment

Being disciplined in math means doing your homework, and getting help when you need, because when you do your homework or ask for help there are hundreds of easier things that you could have done that would be much more enjoyable than math. Being disciplined in math also includes doing your in class work. During group work I usually spend the time trying to understand what my group mates are doing, so that I make sure I understand the concept of what we are learning because I am no help to myself or my group when I don’t know what I am doing and I am setting myself up for failure if I don’t understand what we are learning.