
Comparison To Your Own Country
Iran and Uruguay are two very different countries with distinct cultures, histories, and political systems. Iran is located in the Middle East, and has a population of around 82 million people; the economy is heavily dependent on oil exports. Uruguay, on the other hand, is located in South America and has a population of around 3.5 million people. It is a democratic country with a president as the head of state. The economy is based on agriculture, industry, and services. Both countries have a rich culture, with Iran known for its rich history, art, and literature, and Uruguay for its tango music and dance. Despite these differences, both countries have a strong sense of national identity and pride.
Core Competency Reflection
I work with others the achieve a goal. I worked with a partner to complete the country project, by sharing ideas and using criticism from each other we created a poster talking about our country.
I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. When collaborating in a group I was able to listen to others’ ideas and provide criticism.
I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. I was able to split the project’s elements with everyone in my group, while taking on my part, I was able to help others and receive criticism to improve.
I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I am going to convey it. During the country project, I gathered information on our country and displayed it on a poster with images, and present the project in front of the class.
For a future goal, I would want to work on communicating with all my group members and ask for their opinions before making a decision myself; therefore everyone can be involved and have a say.