Product Innovation PowerPoint and Oral Presentation Reflection

3 things I learned from the product innovation assignment is how to keep a business running, how two owners can run a business together, and why it’s important that companies keep expanding and changing their service and products.

Communication- I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. While researching more about my topic I had to convert what I read onto PowerPoint slides by filtering the information into relevant and short points. Presenting my information in a clear and organized way made it easier to follow and understand.

Core Competency Goals

If there is a disagreement in the group, I find it helpful to hear and see all the options. This semester I plan to listen to everyone before giving my opinion or agreeing with someone. In addition, I will try to notice disagreements within a group and try to find the middle ground most people are happy with; to have a plan more people agree on I encourage people to share their opinions. I know when getting all perspectives I can form a better decision.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I tend to not share as many ideas and mostly listen to what they’re saying. My goal for this year is to contribute more in groups by sharing more of my ideas when working with people I don’t know well. When sharing more ideas in a group everyone can build off each other and create better ideas.

I appreciate feedback on assignments and projects and prefer it comes in the form of a Rubrik with all expectations and feedback written down. My goal during this semester I will take the expectations given to me by my friends or teachers and imply them to my work. Moreover, Listening to everyone’s feedback gives me a different perspective on my work; taking everyone’s feedback can help me improve my work and allow me to also give out more meaningful feedback.