Book Club/Work Group Reflection

Curricular Response

One of the challenges I faced while reading I Am the Messenger was keeping track of the different messages Ed had to deliver and the significance of each one. At first, it was hard to connect the stories of the people he helped to the overall meaning of the book. To overcome this, I started jotting down notes about each person and their situation as I read, which helped me see how they connected to Ed’s personal growth and the story’s theme of self-discovery.

I really liked Markus Zusak’s writing style, especially his use of short, punchy sentences and a conversational tone. It made Ed’s voice feel authentic and relatable, as if he were speaking directly to the reader. However, sometimes the fragmented structure of certain chapters made it hard to follow the flow of the story, especially during intense moments.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I listened to others’ ideas, considered their points of view, and offered constructive suggestions. During group discussions, I made an effort to hear everyone’s interpretations of the book and added thoughtful comments that built on what they said. This helped create a collaborative and respectful group dynamic.

Area to Work On:
I need to improve my focus on the group task, especially when discussions veer off-topic. Next time, I will suggest setting specific time limits for each part of the discussion and keeping track of our progress with a checklist. This way, I can help the group stay on track and complete tasks more efficiently.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Reflection

Creative Thinking

Reflecting on the creative writing core competency through my experience with Paxton on the Spanish script, I realized the importance of collaboration and imagination. Working together, we enhanced our creativity by sharing ideas with each other. Our dialogues expressed the storyline and showed our characters’ emotions. For example, when our team was losing, Paxton’s character stayed positive. After winning the championship, we brainstormed activities like a picnic or a trip to the beach, basing our ideas on the weather. When our characters heard a mysterious thump while driving in the car, we quickly came up with a plan, introducing an unexpected twist. This experience helped me appreciate how creative writing involves creating interesting plots and dialogues, collaborating effectively, and quickly thinking.

The script I made with Paxton shows how we work together and come up with cool ideas, which is what creative writing is about. We learned to adjust our plans quickly when things changed, like when we had to change our story because of the weather. I got better at making characters with different feelings, but I want to get even better at making our stories more surprising and exciting. Just like writing a short English paragraph, making this script needed us to talk and work together to make a fun story.

  1. I can work with others to create interesting stories. Working with a partner helps me think of new ideas. Together, we make our stories more exciting and detailed.
  2. I can come up with new ideas and adapt to changes. When plans change, I can think quickly and adjust. This makes our stories flexible and creative.
  3. I can develop characters that show different emotions. I create characters who feel and react in realistic ways. This makes our stories more engaging and relatable.

CPR Reflection

My Learning of CPR Accessed 18 Apr. 2024.

CPR Reflection

A) I learned how to apply an AED to help save a life. By using a shock from the AED, it can help restart the heart’s beating and get it back into rhythm.

B) A key takeaway from the practical CPR test would be to call for help, even if you believe you are certified and trained it is still better if others are aware of the situation and find help.
C) This unit connects to the nutrition unit because people can help prevent heart attacks and strokes before they even happen, with healthy eating.

Core Competency Reflections

In this unit, I am proud that I accomplished my CPR certification by learning the steps on how to save a life and passing this test.

One lesson that stimulated my thinking about the importance of CPR was hearing all the people in others’ family and seeing how many people have been affected.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by sharing my ideas and introducing new ways of thinking to others’.

Creative Writing 10

My Writing

Core Competency Reflection

Critical and Reflective Thinking: The poem captures the essence of change, prompting contemplation on the cyclical nature of time. The fading sunsets signify not just the end of a day but also the inevitability of transitions. Through the lens of critical and reflective thinking, one can delve into the symbolic significance of misty mornings and rain-kissed trees, pondering the deeper meaning behind these natural phenomena. Analyzing the cascade of leaves as nature’s artistry prompts reflection on the interconnectedness of all things, emphasizing the importance of critical observation to unravel the intricacies of life.

Creative Thinking: The poem itself is a testament to creative thinking, as it beautifully encapsulates the vivid imagery of autumn. From the gentle flutter of leaves to the earth painted in red, orange, and gold, the words evoke a sensory experience that requires creative thinking to craft. Creative thinking extends beyond the artistic expression of the poet to the reader’s interpretation. As one envisions the scenes described, they engage in creative thinking, forming mental images and connecting emotionally to the words. Creative thinking is also evident in the choice of metaphors, such as rain-kissed trees, which sparks the imagination and invites readers to view the world through a poetic lens.

Creative Thinking: Creativity is the heartbeat of the poem, evident in the vivid imagery and expressive language that paints scenes of autumn’s quiet beauty. The choice of metaphors, such as “rain-kissed trees” and “nature’s artistry,” showcases the poet’s ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Creative thinking isn’t confined to the poet alone; it extends to the reader, encouraging the formation of mental images and emotional connections. The poem becomes a testament to the endless possibilities of creative thinking, emphasizing the importance of imagination in interpreting and appreciating the world.

Creative Thinking: A personal goal focused on enhancing creative thinking could involve actively seeking out diverse perspectives and incorporating them into one’s creative process. By fostering an environment that values input from others, one can cultivate a more expansive and innovative mindset. This goal aligns with the theme of the poem, emphasizing the quiet of fall as a metaphor for receptive contemplation. Actively listening to the thoughts and ideas of others can be likened to the leaves gently fluttering down—a cascade of insights enriching the landscape of one’s own thinking. This goal not only promotes creative thinking but also emphasizes the beauty that arises when diverse perspectives converge, much like the harmonious blend of red, orange, and gold in the quiet of fall.

Hunger Games Mutations Project

My Creation

Core Competency Reflection

I listen and respond to others. While working on this project I was able to give ideas and receive criticism.

I consider more than one way to proceed and make choices. I was able to consider many possibilities and come to an agreement with my partner.
I can explain why I make specific choices. When I had an idea I was able to explain the idea and answer questions.

I help resolve conflicts and challenges as they arise. When my group members had different ideas, I was able to form a new idea that includes everyone’s ideas.

I get ideas that are new to my peers. I can gather ideas from group members to form an idea that everyone agrees on.

Advertisement Persuasion Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

Persuasion and Advertisement Unit Reflection

  1. It is important to remember who benefits from an advertisement because you want to know where your money goes before purchasing a product or service.
  2. Ethical persuasion is effective because it tempts consumers to purchase a product, especially if the celebrity endorsing it is someone they look up to. If a celebrity supports and makes claims about a product it encourages people who want to follow closely and purchase it.
  3. Card Stacking because it only presents the positives of a product. Linking positive connections with a product in your mind may make you think highly of a brand.

Core Competency Reflection

One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was when I saw advertisements done by major companies. Identifying the strategies used in advertisements helped me implement them in my own advertisement.

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is while viewing different examples of past projects, quickly sorting through them, a detail that stuck out to me were the use of numbers. Therefore, in my advertisement I included numbers to represent a statistic or special offer, as an eye-catching detail.

I used to think advertisements don’t work, and now I know they do work because they grab a consumers attention and informs them about a product. While viewing examples, I saw how an advertisement builds on how familiar people are with a product; consumers being familiar with a product builds a trust and preference towards buying it.

A Spanish-Speaking Country


Comparison To Your Own Country

Iran and Uruguay are two very different countries with distinct cultures, histories, and political systems. Iran is located in the Middle East, and has a population of around 82 million people; the economy is heavily dependent on oil exports. Uruguay, on the other hand, is located in South America and has a population of around 3.5 million people. It is a democratic country with a president as the head of state. The economy is based on agriculture, industry, and services. Both countries have a rich culture, with Iran known for its rich history, art, and literature, and Uruguay for its tango music and dance. Despite these differences, both countries have a strong sense of national identity and pride.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others the achieve a goal. I worked with a partner to complete the country project, by sharing ideas and using criticism from each other we created a poster talking about our country.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. When collaborating in a group I was able to listen to others’ ideas and provide criticism.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. I was able to split the project’s elements with everyone in my group, while taking on my part, I was able to help others and receive criticism to improve.

I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I am going to convey it. During the country project, I gathered information on our country and displayed it on a poster with images, and present the project in front of the class.


For a future goal, I would want to work on communicating with all my group members and ask for their opinions before making a decision myself; therefore everyone can be involved and have a say.

Scale Factor Project Reflection

Core Competency Reflection

  1. If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to hear all possible solutions and let everyone share their ideas. Hearing everyone’s opinion opens up new perspectives and ways to approach something.

2. I know the group is working well together when I see everyone working towards the same goal in mind and no one is left out.

3. I show that I value feedback from others in my group by asking for everyones opinions and changing my plan accordingly.


A goal I would like to work towards is coming up with more creative ideas and being able to build of others to create a plan that everyone agrees with.

Scaled down

Contract law storyboard reflection

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. When I was creating scenarios for the storyboard I had to find realistic ways they are used. By looking at the example I formed an idea of what mine would look like.

I consider more than one way to proceed. By finding different ways to demonstrate each scenario I showed common ways everyone experiences these contracts and laws.