Positive Learner Identity

Meeting my deadlines

Two pictures that represents my Learning Strength

Warning Due Dates Are Closer Than They Appear - Due Dates Are Closer Than They Appear , Free ...

A specific example of when I used “meeting my deadlines”. As a strength to help me successfully complete an assignment or task was in my Ceramics class. The assignment was a Final Exam Piece which is needed to pass the class. This learning strength helped me be successful because I knew I needed to manage my time wisely, since there was not much time left before the deadline.

Core Competency Reflection

A moment when “I can identify ways which my strengths can help me meet challenges” is when I am doing my homework in my math class. I have to use my strengths in order to answer the question but is also followed by challenges on the way. “And how my challenges can be opportunities for growth” is also when I am completing any form of task of assignment in my classes. I can use the challenges I face and change it to a strength for me to have growth in the future.


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