Core Competency Goals

What are your strengths as a person? How do you use your strengths and abilities in your family, relationship and community? 

Some of my strengths as a person are that I’m extremely organized, good at time management and hardworking. I use my strengths and my abilities in my family, relationship and community. For example, I do my chores and other chores around the house to keep things tidy and ready for the day or the week coming up. I use time management in school if I have lots of homework or assignments to do so I don’t fall behind and to make sure I have a schedule. Lastly, I’m hardworking with daily tasks like finishing my chores or putting my full effort into my classes. 

The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate at lacrosse in these ways: 

For school I am very focused and advocate for myself in my classes. I want to do my best, so I study and get tutors for classes I struggle with. I’m very shy when it comes to new people but when I’m with my friends and people I know well I’m more outgoing. As for lacrosse I am a team player and work well with everyone on my team. Lacrosse can be very aggressive, and at times quite rough but it’s fun and I enjoy playing it.  

Others find my feedback useful because I… always have a different perspective than they do. I think about all the possible ways to approach an assignment. My group mates find my ideas quite useful when doing projects because I like to think outside the box and come up with unique thoughts to add towards the work. I am creative and love to add my input into sometimes boring topics to make it more interesting. 


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