Social Justice Core Competency Self-Assessment

Dickson, Courtney. “People Have Been Protesting for and against It. So, What Exactly Is SOGI?” CBC News, 23 Sept. 2023.,

SOGI stands for sexual orientation and gender identity. Parents are concerned that SOGI encourages children to change genders or undergo gender-affirming surgery, become gay/lesbian, bi-sexual, trans, queer, and others who say it goes against religious values. But parents also believe it is not appropriate for young children to learn about their sexual identity. The significance of SOGI being taught in schools.  

  • Acceptance of individuals regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  
  • Creates safe spaces for all individuals to express themselves authentically. 
  • Combating discrimination 
  • Providing support for LGBTQ2S+ individuals 
  • Creates a positive and affirming educational experience for all students.  

Critical & Reflective Thinking / Communicating Skills

I have utilized my communication skills throughout the course because I am able to consider different perspectives to help build connections with others in my class when we are collaborating with our groups or even doing assignments together. But I can also use different perspectives to help me complete projects or assignments given to us in this class. A Core Competency skill I need to grow in the future is Critical and Reflective Thinking because I find it difficult to reflect on my thinking in class when sometimes I do not relate to the topics. But I try my best to consider my critical thinking to help me be more involved in the class and others.  

Show and Tell Presentation Reflection and Self-Assessment


Curricular Response: The greatest strengths of my presentation would be playing a short documentary to the class. Than allowing the class to answer two questions for the activity to get them engaged. The questions were “Why do you like true crime and why don’t you like true crime.” It took the class a little bit of time to gather there thoughts but afterwards one student said their own opinion, the rest of the class wanted to join in.

What I would do differently the next time I get a project like this again, would be to pick my top three choices and decide which one I like best. Since I struggled figuring out a idea and started pretty late because of that. I would also pick a different topic that is easier and less tragic for those who get uncomfortable talking about true crime.

Core Competency Self-Assessment: I chose to learn about true crime and research something that interests me for my project because I talked to others in my class and spoke to them to see what ideas they had as well. I also when into cent time and flex to speak with my teacher because I was unsure what to do for this project and didnt understand the concept of it.

The stratagies I used to collect information for my project was reading multiple articles about true crime and the reason why it is so popular to majority of individuals. And also researching questions I had online that I thought others would have about the topic. So I could get answers and share them with the class.

English 12 Writing: Self-Reflection

Curricular Response

My Compare and Contrast Paragraph about “Just Lather, That’s All” and Rope reflects both my strengths and weaknesses. For Example, something I show strength in is the transition words which will make me continue to use in my next essay. In this Paragraph something I might need to change in order to improve my writing are adding more comma’s and periods to have less run on sentences. I also need to do more pruning to eliminate words and make the paragraph overall less wordy.

Core Competency Self Reflection

One of my top priorities in the next coming weeks for my writing assignments will be brain storming my idea’s before doing the outline. The reason why this is really important to me is so I can visually see and gather my thoughts/ideas together; creating a better paragraph. And also making it easier for me to write my final copy. The second top priority for me is focusing more on the main point of the paragraph instead of drifting off and writing about something different to not confuse the reader.

Favourite Recipe

Thin Crust Pizza

Making and Sharing Reflection

Identify appropriate tools, technologies, food sources, processes, cost implications, and time needed for production

When making this recipe I made sure that I was using all the appropriate tools so I didn’t have to do extra dishes. I used a Jellyroll pan to bake the pizza on and used a cutting board and knife to cut the peppers and spinach. It took about two days to complete this dish because we made the dough one day and added the toppings and baked it the next day. The reason why it took two days to make this pizza is because the dough takes about 12-24 hours for the yeast to activate and rise.

Assess their ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively, including their ability to share and maintain an efficient co-operative workspace

While making this recipe I worked effectively both individually throughout stretching the dough into the pizza shape because you weren’t supposed to work with our group members during this step. But I worked with my group while cutting the vegetables and baking part because we had to communicate who’s pizza was going in the oven first because there was only one pizza allowed in the oven at a time so it would cook evenly.

Core Competency Reflection

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members is… making sure that my group members are happy and agree to take on a task, for example ingredient person or unit person. and equally dividing the tasks evenly towards everyone.

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to…make sure we are following the recipe correctly and kitchen rules.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see…my group members getting along and helping each other on the recipe questions. And helping one another when they finished their tasks before somone elses in our group.

While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding by…explaining things to my group members if their unsure of something or the teacher is busy with another group. Also helping other groups that are behind on cleaning up while my group has already completed that.

One Goal

One goal that I have for myself going forward is When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I will ask questions to get to know them better and will actively listen when they are speaking. I am working on this goal because I’m not close with a lot of people in my class and I want to get to know them more.

Desert Island Project

Desert Island Artifact

About the Project

– The project was about my class including the teacher being in a plane crash abandoned on a Desert Island on our way to Australia.

– My partner and I were encharge of all the given responsibilities, duties, and tasks to keep everyone alive, which we created.

– We created the laws, rules and chose people we would think would be best suitable for each position.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is…when my partner and I were brainstorming about the project and i would add onto her ideas to create a better understanding of both of our ideas combined together.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…either ask to attend a walk just for a brain break or get some water to stay hydrated to better focus.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…making connections and considering different viewpoints and perspectives when listening to my partner tell her ideas.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…My Desert Island Project becuase it shows that I follow directions and instructions properly.

One Goal

I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.

I am working on this goal because when I get put into groups of people i am not familar with I tend to not share my ideas and thoughts. In order to achieve this goal i will become more comfortable with my classmates by getting to know one another on a more personal and familiar level.

Curricular Competency Reflection

I was able to form a Governemnt reflecting right and wrong in a civilized agreement by morally and ethically choosing rules/laws for an effective way for survival. Each student had a certain job they were required to do so all of us on the island could survive as a whole. Titles would be assigned for each persons strengths and capabilities. Laws and Rules were set in place to benefit the survival of everyone on the island.

Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

This experiement is designed to show how the process of natural selection occurs in a predator/prey relationship. The prey is the insect
(Yummi treatus) which is represented by the licorice candy in the photo i have provided. There are two pigmentations red and black for this species. The predator is a large bird which is you called the Dodo studentus.

Critical Thinking Self-Assessment Prompts:

I demonstrated that i can collect and analyse evidence when i… participated as the predator to catch the preys on different coloured backgrounds. I analysed evidence by comparing my results to each background to note which prey survived better given to their environment/background.

I demonstrated that i can connect evidence i collected to big ideas when i…am using the data and procedure of the experiment in order to connect it to real life applications or where the background represents in an environment for that specific species.

I demonstrated that i can make predictions based on evidence when i…know the purpose of the experiment and the results that will be discovered, i can predict these results based on my understanding of “camoflouge” and the importance that blending in has on which prey the predator will most likley choose in each scenario.

Positive Learner Identity

Learning Strength: Managing my time/ meeting my deadlines.

Stock Images similar to ID 151659695 - a word cloud of time management ...

I’m a very organized person, what I mean by that is I like to start working immediately as I receive an assignment or task. I feel less anxious and flustered when I have accomplished something.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of me using time management is when I was in my LEC class, which this class is for finishing your other classes homework. I used time management when I had many tasks and deadlines for all my classes, by concentrating on one of my classes then doing the others one by one. This helped me be successful in the further week because I was able to stay on track and forget about being over loaded with work by using this method.

Research Assignment Reflection

Core Competency: What core competencies did you demonstrate with the Research Assignment?  Explain.

I find it easy to be part of a group becuase if im not sure about something i can ask my partner instead of the teacher.

I am kind to others, and support others when they need it becuase i know it can be hard to share ideas with new people but i make sure that their comfortable and not pressured into doing it.

I can identify and describe my qualitites by sharing my thoughts and ideas with the class or contributing in group activities and with my neighbor beside me.

Social Studies 10 Reflection

The Big Final Project (Ukrainian Project)

Self Reflection

  1. What skills of you does this showcase? This project shows off my skills by researching up infomation and putting data into a powerpoint.
  1. What core competency does this fill? The project filled in the Critical and Reflective Thinking becasue i had to brainstorm my own ideas/ thoughts and anwser my own questions becasue i was working by myself.
  1. Why did you choose this?  I chose this because i did a really good job on this assignment by taking it seriously and working above and beyound on it.
  1. What did you learn during this project? I learned a little more about my backround/ cutlure and also learned more of my history.

Core Competecny Reflection

I can understand and share infomation about a topic interest in a clear, organized way. I chose this one because i find it talks about me in a short sentence easily.

I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. This “i can” statement describes me very well because im a good listener and contribute to my classmates questions.

I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. Im always their for a friend and classmate when they are having a hard time and always there to comfort them if they want me to.

I work with others to achieve a goal. I am working on this goal because sometimes when working with new people i dont attend the conversation once confortable but i plan on achieving this goal by joining after school activities to get more social and get more outside my comfort zone.