Show and Tell Presentation Reflection and Self-Assessment


Curricular Response: The greatest strengths of my presentation would be playing a short documentary to the class. Than allowing the class to answer two questions for the activity to get them engaged. The questions were “Why do you like true crime and why don’t you like true crime.” It took the class a little bit of time to gather there thoughts but afterwards one student said their own opinion, the rest of the class wanted to join in.

What I would do differently the next time I get a project like this again, would be to pick my top three choices and decide which one I like best. Since I struggled figuring out a idea and started pretty late because of that. I would also pick a different topic that is easier and less tragic for those who get uncomfortable talking about true crime.

Core Competency Self-Assessment: I chose to learn about true crime and research something that interests me for my project because I talked to others in my class and spoke to them to see what ideas they had as well. I also when into cent time and flex to speak with my teacher because I was unsure what to do for this project and didnt understand the concept of it.

The stratagies I used to collect information for my project was reading multiple articles about true crime and the reason why it is so popular to majority of individuals. And also researching questions I had online that I thought others would have about the topic. So I could get answers and share them with the class.