Critical Thinking
During the lab, I expressed critical thinking through examination and analyzation to perceive parts of the organizing I would be dissecting. My partner and I were given details to examine the diagram in our booklets, which we both utilized greatly. Through examination, I was able to use my critical thinking skills to identify, label and match the explicit organs and their characteristics. While dissecting and cutting, we were precise with our accuracy enough to prevent any form of deterioration amongst the worm’s tissue unintended.
I was quickly able to establish collaboration with my partner. Splitting our roles, me and them switched between doing the prodding, poking and pulling whilst the other would write. cleaning up, she was the one who would wash our materials. I tended to cleaning up and putting away the worm. we were effectively able to label, criticize and identify our ideas and thoughts of the worm. I helped my partner when it came to identifying the parts, and she helped to placement and cutting of the fragile worm parts.