My Digital Footprint: Keeping Myself Safe

Creating a Positive and Safe Digital Footprint

here is my poster!


Sheikh, Sumbul. “5 Steps to Protect Your Digital Footprint Online.” Starthub Post, 29 June 2022,

5 Steps to Protect Your Digital Footprint Online | Starthub Post

“How To Protect Your Digital Footprint.” Morgan Stanley, Accessed 28 Sept. 2022.

How To Protect Your Digital Footprint | Morgan Stanley

(I also used knowledge that i had gained before from my own family)

Core Competencies

Being aware of how my digital footprint can affect me, I will strive to make changes, by doing things such as being fully aware of what I post online, so I do not hurt others in the process.

Knowing that my digital footprint may cast a permanent stay, I should keep personal things private, to make sure nothing traces back to my personal identity, and doesn’t harm me in the future later on.

As a “digital citizen”, I found that I was much more comfortable with my interests, as i saw that other people around the world have ones similar to mine. it also introduced me to new interests, such as digital art, when I found new pieces through social media online. Looking at online YouTube tutorials has helped me improve my art skills, making me more passionate in my interest.

My greatest apologies if this seemed loose, and/or weak in terms of detail, as this assignment was done more last-minute.

I hope you Enjoy!

My Crafty Journal project

  1. What went well?                                                                                                                 The gathering of “ingredients was probably the most successful for me. My mother and I had gathered the last remaining bits of a certain type of thick sketch-paper from staples, and my father gave me a blueish leather, used for the interior of a vehicle. It made the book cover look incredibly nice.

2) What needs improvement for next time?                                                                                       I had a heap of struggles that had occurred over time, because of my own careless mistakes; for the pages, I skipped straight to the sewing while I was still folding, so when it was time for cutting, they were too large to fit into the paper cutter, meaning I had to painstakingly cut each individual piece by hand. The pages looked torn and shredded, but with the leathery fabric, it turned into a sort of 1700s aesthetic.                                                                                               

3) How would you do things differently if given the chance to try again? 

            If I had the chance, I would fold all my papers first, so I could easily cut later, making it look much nicer. I could also have grabbed a hardcover sooner, so I would know if I even NEEDED to cut the pages or not

Either way, I think my book turned out much better than I would have expected. Which is saying something. I liked it, however, and plan to do more in the future!

/-/ Edublog /-/

Core Competency Reflection

I can show my creative thinking by when I can use my understanding to think outside the box

when I am working on my assignments, I like to use my own thinking to create a new way to understand the work and make it easier for me. This could have downsides for when the work ends up wrong, so to counter this, I acknowledge my mistakes and search for a way around it.

I will set goals for myself to improve my learning and become more successful

A major goal I have set for myself is to be able to pass each of my assignments from this semester to the ones after it. I will achieve this from making sure I have the full understanding, putting my full work into the tasks and making sure I have time after finishing the work. Keeping this goal in mind will help me create more success for myself in the future.

Core Competency Goal Setting

I always try my hardest to finish things on time.

I do not want to slack off this term, so for my first goal, I want to finish my tasks, and gain confidence in the fact that I handed in my assignments early, giving me a ton of free time afterwards, instead of stressing in the last few minutes. Having said that, I also intend to pass on each subject for this semester. That, in itself is not a hard task but keeping this goal in mind will persuade me to push harder and do more. I chose this goal to feel the success and the end of the day.

I can find confidence and strategies to get my work finished faster.

I may usually find faster ways to get things done, like sorting blocks of tasks into segments, where I would do a small portion of work and then move on to the next bit, until my work is done. Sometimes, however, I am embarrassed to ask for help from a fellow student or a teacher. My second goal is to always make sure I have the full understanding, and never be ashamed asking for help.

I can collaborate with other people to get something done

I am confident with my ability to conversate with my peers during a project and can find ways to combine our work to make something more advanced. I usually prefer working with groups, but only when I know most of the people. My third goal this semester is to engage with new people, so I can create stronger bonds. I can use this to be more successful down my path, and make sure to keep contacts with my previous acquaintances.

‘Stick together with your friends’

-Jarrod Rotnem