Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

This year was an eventful, yet blissful release from my past years. I found that I could enjoy my time here more than before. I found peace among my peers and truly enjoy the community I will be raised in. In the past year, I have fought through hardships, as well as hurried to find time for finishing assignments. In the end everything worked out. I am proud to have made it as far as I have, and I hope to get further.

My Favorite Website

The Canadian Encyclopedia is a website that remains as an incredible service to for whenever I am looking more into the history of our country. It makes me feel more welcome to learning about our land, and overall has advanced knowledge on it. I use it incredibly often, and I am thankful for this website.

My Favorite Video

The video posted here is from my recent assignment of making a stop motion video of a cell going through Mitosis. I chose this as my favorite video as I feel as though I put the most effort into creating it. It was also incredibly fun to create for me.

My Favorite Image

This is a photo of a woven pillow that I had made by hand. I made this in my Arts and Crafts course as one of the final assignments. It took about 3 days to make and was incredibly soft with few errors. It was by far my favorite to create, and I am extremely proud of how it came out.

My Favorite Quote

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

– Albert Einstein

The reason for choosing the quote above is because it makes me realize that even in rough times, I must continue forward to succeed. The quote gives me the motivation to keep moving forwards.

Works Cited

src=”, <img class=”avatar” alt=”Emma Taubenfeld”, et al. “35 Brilliant Albert Einstein Quotes to Inspire You to Greatness.” Reader’s Digest, 18 Aug. 2021,

Home | The Canadian Encyclopedia. Accessed 18 May 2023.

src=”, <img class=”avatar” alt=”Emma Taubenfeld”, et al. “35 Brilliant Albert Einstein Quotes to Inspire You to Greatness.” Reader’s Digest, 18 Aug. 2021,