During the lab, I expressed critical thinking through examination and analyzation to perceive parts of the organizing I would be dissecting. My partner and I were given details to examine the diagram in our booklets, which we both utilized greatly. Through examination, I was able to use my critical thinking skills to identify, label and match the explicit organs and their characteristics. While dissecting and cutting, we were precise with our accuracy enough to prevent any form of deterioration amongst the worm’s tissue unintended.
I was quickly able to establish collaboration with my partner. Splitting our roles, me and them switched between doing the prodding, poking and pulling whilst the other would write. cleaning up, she was the one who would wash our materials. I tended to cleaning up and putting away the worm. we were effectively able to label, criticize and identify our ideas and thoughts of the worm. I helped my partner when it came to identifying the parts, and she helped to placement and cutting of the fragile worm parts.
I believe I will be able to Communicate by thinking better this year via getting to know my accomplices in my classes. I believe we can get along better through working together as a team and finding things that can help us click together better as friends.
I will be able to use Self-Determination by reading over assignments and studies when needed, making sure I have everything in place for either an upcoming test or project. I can also utilize this when working with peers as we can both put our minds together on a collective goal.
I can regulate myself and wellbeing through consistent moderation. I can achieve this by setting times and schedules for when I’ll study or do homework. when I do not have any homework OR studying to do, I can find peace in going for long walks and taking my time easy. this way, I may clear my mind better than always staring at a screen.
“CPR Manikin & AED Training Kit, Basic.” MCR Medical Supply, https://www.mcrmedical.com/product/K100-ULM-Basic-CPR-Manikin-AED-Training-Kit.html. Accessed 21 Apr. 2024.
CPR reflection
If there was anything new in particular that I hadn’t any knowledge about prior to taking the CPR Unit, it would be the signs to “Recognize” from out of the four Rs, or the specific health factors that could come into play. I was completely unaware of the concept of Angina, a condition that functions similar to a heart attack, however goes away shortly after. I also was not aware of the heart’s ability to “fibrillate”, where it loses its rhythmic pumping that allows it to flow blood and starts violently squirming.
Definitely a key takeaway from this unit would be the big main ideas. You may be aware of CPR or an AED, but wouldn’t fully understand and/or get the motion or idea down correctly in your head. I may not have known where to place my lower palm on the breastbone, or how to apply the shock pads from an AED to the victim’s chest. This unit was a good way to learn something new, and refresh the older assumptions we had in our minds prior.
Another part in detail from this unit that intrigued me was how it directly connects back to the Nutrition unit we had prior, taking the “Risk” factors into account and how to avoid suffering from illness before it has a chance of striking. The Nutrition unit went over the many ways to build immunity against fatal illnesses, such as dieting, which the CPR unit was able to build and expand upon just as greatly.
Core Competency Reflection
I was incredibly strong in my communication throughout this unit. I find that one of the best ways to work is with a companion or someone that you might know. The group I was with helped each other substantially, and I was able to contribute a sufficient amount. When we were doing the physical CPR, one of the ways I was able to ensure that we were all clear on what to do was through answering their questions, as well as asking my own as we exchanged knowledge and understanding on how to do it properly.
I was incredibly critical in my own thinking, wanting to write down as much about the CPR as I could to stay prepared. One thing, however, I would have liked to spend more time learning about in the unit was the textbook. As we were given a slideshow to watched, it would very briefly cover topics in it, so we were more or less forced to skim through the book. I would have liked to learn more about Angina and whether or not there were other variants off illness that could be mistaken for a heart attack/stroke.
Personal Social
I enjoyed this unit substantially in comparison to many of the other ones. In this unit, I am proud to have accomplished my fullest understanding and learning from it, thanks to my collaboration and attentive nature, and I do hope to maybe learn more in the future if the time comes.