Core Competency Assessment

Thinking Core Competency

What you are seeing before you is my prime created example of the Mitosis Stop Motion video that i had made not long ago. I demonstrated this video as an artifact, because through the eyes of a grade 9 student, I view this as my best work, and an excellent representation of my thinking abilities.

An example of how I exercised my thinking was through the designing of the actual objects. I wanted to be creative, so I decided to add both the vibrant text to the words, and the clay design within itself. I am proud of the colorful clays I had used to tell objects apart, and how the video turned out in the end.

I do however feel as though during the making of this, I could have pushed myself further. i would have liked to add longer, more fleshed out sequences between each section of Mitosis, as it did not fully meet my needs for the “perfect” video. However, I am still incredibly proud with how I tried to push my thinking abilities while making this.