My Grade 9 Year
This year I overcame my fear of highschool, coming into school made me scared a bit but after meeting the people who are my friends now made me feel better. This year I enjoyed being on the track team and basketball team. This year I reached the goal of joining track for the first time and going to a meet. My strengths in school are being able to express myself more and being able to talk to others. My stretches that I could improve on is being able to ask for help when needed when I don’t understand.
My Favourite Website
For my favourtie website I chose Canva. During school, Canva has helped me with making posters for projects. Canva was a great website to use since it had templates and was able to help me brainstorm more ideas for school.
My Favourite Video
For my favourite video, I chose the Amoeba Sisters, their videos helped me like science more. It also helped with my understanding of science since I am a visual learner.
My Favourite Image
For my favourite image I chose a picture from one of my basketball games. Playing on the basketball team at Cent was really fun and I made deeper connections with all of my teammates.

My Favourite Quote
For my quote I chose one that Audrey Hepurn wrote. I chose this quote because my mom originally named me after Audrey Hepurn. This quote is cheesy but it gets me motivated to go further in my learning and to continue to learn.
Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible.” -Audrey Hepurn