Section One

These values and parts of my identity are most important to me. I chose Vietnamese since it is my culture and identity. Being a sister is what I have been my whole life. I love listening to music because it helps me get through school. Being honest and surrounding myself who are trustworthy helps me feel better and safe. Although my future scares me the most it is always on my mind, building my path and seeking the future is one of my biggest values.
Section Two

The mathematical strategy I used to divide my body structure was going straight down the middle to mark the 50% mark. Then I added another 10% to make it 60%. With the remaining percent, I wasn’t sure how to calculate the rest but I just estimated the 15% and 10$. Although the 7% and 8% are quite large, I couldn’t divide them evenly. It was different then my first shape because this shape is irregular. With extra elements, it created a difficult shape to divide. I wasn’t able to calculate accurately. For irregular shapes, I would recommend something symmetrical yet difficult, for example, a star. I would recommend the star because it is easier to divide but not easy to be able to figure out how right away. It is a bit challenging but not that difficult.