The best year of my life assignment.
Critical, Communication, and Reflective Thinking
I can form new ideas to create new things when it comes to Spanish. When doing paragraphs rights in a different language, I have to think creatively in order to maintain being on the right track. I can find different solutions when I am stuck. Finding different solutions when I can’t think of the right words for Spanish really helps me. Finding new solutions can also give me new ideas. I can ask for help from peers when I need to. Asking my peers for help when looking for a word or wondering about a word I don’t know helps me. Asking for help ensures I am on the right track when writing in a different language. Asking for help allows me to learn new contexts of Spanish. These core competencies will help me to continue to grow in this class by branching out and learning new things about the language.
The difficulties of writing in a different language can vary. Sometimes it is hard to remember all of the vocabulary that I have learned, so it becomes hard for me to write the right words. It can be very fun to write in a different language, especially after learning more vocabulary so you are able to input it into your next write or conversation. Overall, this experience of Spanish 11 has been great because I decided to continue doing this language at school. I get to learn new things and challenge myself daily by having this class in my schedule.