Core Competency Goals

I want to improve my time management skills

  • I find that sometimes I do my homework too late at night, when I could be sleeping. I can fix this by doing the majority of my homework when I first get home, and then take a small break and then finish. I realize that staying up late is not good for your brain or your body.
  • Another way to improve my time management skills is to make a written plan for myself because I find I do way better with a plan for my day or week. I like to stay organized and stick to a schedule, and if I can set myself up like this, I will be better at my time management.

I want to ask questions when I need help

  • I find when I don’t understand something, I try to figure it out by myself first. This is great, but when that doesn’t work out for me, I realize that I have to ask a teacher. I am often nervous to do this. I can work on this by remembering that asking for help is not a weakness, and if I ask for help more it will make me feel more confident in my understanding.
  • Another way to fix this is by reminding myself that if I ask questions when I am stuck, I will understand the question or problem way more. Once I have a better grasp on things, I feel much more at ease and my worries and stresses seem to lessen.

I want to work on managing my emotions and worries

  • I find I can get very overwhelmed at times, which causes me to worry. I can fix this by breathing when I start to feel worried or stressed. I can work on this breathing by doing big, deep breaths to calm myself down. This also helps to let my brain know this is unnecessary to stress this much.
  • Another way is to look on the bright side of the situation and think less negative and more positive. This can sometimes be difficult to do, but I have to teach myself how to do it because this will help my stress and worries.

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